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Ancient and Mediaeval History Class 01

VEDIC AGE (09:12 AM)

Advent of Aryans

  • Around 1500 BCE, mainly tribal communities from Central Asia or steppes grasslands of Russia started to enter into Indian subcontinent. 
  • They belong to Aryan linguistic community, which means their languages were quite similar in terms of sound. 
  • They were semi nomadic and pastoralist in nature.
  • They were always in search of good pasture land. 
  • They were successful in Indian Sub-Continent because of their use of horses and horse driven chariots, which provided swiftness to their army. 
  • Apart from it, they also use good quality bronze weapons, which further included helmets and mail coats. 
  • The very first activity of Aryans after settling in Indian subcontinent was the Composition of Veda.
  • Rig Veda was the first composition, followed by Sam Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. 

Early Vedic Period (09:31 AM)

  • After their arrival in India, Aryans settled mainly in North and North Western part of Indian subcontinent. 
  • These areas in Vedic texts are referred to as Aryavart and Brahmavart.
  • In Rig Veda, some of the important rivers were mentioned, which are as follows:
  • Indus ⇾ Sindhu
  • Jhelum ⇾ Vitasta
  • Chenab⇾ Ashkini
  • Ravi⇾ Parushani
  • Beas⇾ Bipasa
  • Satluj⇾ Shatudri
  • Saraswati⇾ Naditarna and sometimes also referred as Matetama. 
  • Rig Veda also mentions to Mountain ranges as Himavana (Greater Himalayas); and Mujuvanta (Middle and Lower Himalayas)

Economy during Early Vedic Period:

  • Cattle was the most important economic wealth of Early Aryans. 
  • Even battles were organized to secure large numbers of cattle.
  • The importance of cattle is highlighted through many words mentioned in Rig Veda which are associated with cattle. 
  • Gavyu⇾ Cow
  • Gavisthi⇾ Search for cows
  • Godhuma⇾ The plant which emerges from cow dung
  • Gopajanya⇾ Master of the cows
  • Godhuli⇾ Dusk
  • Duhitri⇾ Milchar of cow (daughter) 
  • Aghanya⇾ the one which must not be killed
  • Goghana⇾ The most important guest who is served beef
  • From the Vedic text, the use of metals like Copper and Gold is testified. 
  • Copper was named as Ayas and Gold as Nishka
  • Bhaga and Bali⇾, which was basically voluntary support to the chief of the Aryan community.
  • Agriculture⇾ Barli i.e. Yava and Goduma i.e. Wheat were regarded as the second important crops out of which Yava is the most important

Polity during Early Vedic (10:06 AM)

  • The head of the Aryan community was known as Rajan.
  • His most important work was to protect his people and organised battle to secure a large number of cattle.
  • Rajan was assisted by many political assemblies at this time, which are as follows: 
  • a) Sabha⇾ It was an exclusive assembly, mainly consisted of elders from the society. 
  • It included both males and females. 
  • It was the most decisive assembly which gave aid and advise to Rajan. 
  • b) Samiti⇾ Samiti was an inclusive assembly which was constituted to choose the Rajan. Otherwise, it didn't have much role in decision-making.  It only included the men from society.
  • Vidhata⇾ It was a limited assembly and its functions were mainly associated with religious rituals. It included both Men and Women.
  • Bharat clan of Aryans was the most powerful Aryan tribe in India.
  • After the death of its ruler Divodasa, his son Sudas was appointed as Rajan. 
  • Sudas⇾ has to take very important decision i.e. appointment of Chief priest. 
  • He appointed Vashisht Rishi as the chief priest and rejected the claim of vishwamitra. 
  • Humiliated Vishwamitra persuaded 10 kings or Dasrajan to fight with Sudas. 
  • The Historic battle happened on the banks of river Parushani in which Sudas defeated Dasrajan. 
  • He annexed the areas of Dasrajan and named it BharathVarsha

Society during Early Vedic (10:28 AM)

  • Society was organized on the lines of Kula, Vansha (Jana) and Gram.
  • The most important unit of the society was Family or Kula.
  • The eldest male member of the family was given the position of Head of Family, and he was referred to as Kulapa. 
  • Society was Patriarchal in nature, but Women were accorded very high respect in the society. 
  • They enjoyed political rights, and they were members of political assemblies like Sabha and Vidhata.
  • They were also allowed to participate in educational discourses. 
  • For example, one of the intellectual women of this time was Lopamudra (Wife of Agastya Rishi)
  • No instance of Child marriage is reported from the Early Vedic period. 
  • Widow Remarriage was also allowed in the society under Niyoga Vivah. 
  • Love Marriage was allowed under Gandharva Vivah Vyavastha.
  • Instances of Polygamy were quite visible in society, but rarely polyandry was also found.
  • Slavery also existed in the society and there were two types of the slaves: Dasa and Dasyu
  • Dasa: They were defeated Aryans. Sometimes they were given favourable positions in society. 
  • Dasyu: They were defeated non-Aryans.
  • They were highly discriminated and sometimes their mass killing was also performed. 
  • For example, the mention of the word Dasyu Hatya in Rig Veda. 

Religious Practices During EVP (11:11 AM)

  • Early Vedic Aryans started to personify the element of nature into God. 
  • Accordingly, the majority of the natural elements were ascribed to a God.
  • Indra - God of Rain and thunder. He was the most important Early Vedic God, whose name is mentioned in Rig Veda more than 250 times. 
  • He was also referred to as Purandhar which means breaker of the forts.
  • Agni-God of fire is regarded as the second important Early Vedic God.
  • He is considered as Intermediary God and worship of other Gods happened through Agni. 
  • Third Important God was Varun (God of Water) followed by Soma (God of Plants) and Mitra (God of Air)
  • Pushan was regarded as the God of Animals.
  • Female deity's like Ila; Usha; Nisha; Aditi; Savitri and Swah were also worshipped at this time. 
  • Gayatri Mantra, composed by Vishvamitra and was dedicated to the Sun and Savitri.
  • The Mode of Worship at this time was through Chanting and recitation of Mantra and performance of Vedic rituals and sacrifices. 
  • The objective of Worship at this time was material gain, but not spiritual growth. 

Later Vedic Era (11:35 AM)

  • Around 1000 BCE, iron was discovered for the first time in any part of the world.
  • The Early Aryans found huge deposits of Iron at Atranjkhera and Jakhera.
  • With Iron, they created very sharp weapons and tools.
  • With the sharp tools, they started to clear the dense forest of Gangetic Valley.
  • They further penetrated into the Eastern Part, Central India and finally to Southern India.
  • In the Later Vedic text-
  • Eastern India is referred as Purvakhand;
  • Central India as Madhyadesh
  • Southern India as Dakshinapantha
  • Later Vedic text also mentions rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, and Gandak which was referred as Sadanira.

Economy During Later Vedic Period (11:47 AM)

  • At this point of time, agricultural land became the most important economic wealth. 
  • Though the cattle was important, but not in comparison to land. 
  • The Term "Rashtra" was mentioned in the Later Vedic text. It signifies the importance of Agricultural land. 
  • The most important function of Rajan was to organise battle to secure a large tract of land. 
  • Apart from Barley and Wheat, Rice also emerged as the most important agricultural commodity. It was referred to as Vrihi.
  • The taxation system was still similar to early Vedic period, i.e. Bagha and Balli.