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World History Class 02

Three Estates of French Society: (1:12 PM)

  • Clergy (1st Estate)
  • Nobility (2nd Estate)
  • Middle Class (3rd Estate)

3rd Estate: 

  • Middle Class: 25% of Land, merchants, professionals (lawyers, doctors, teachers). 
  • Peasants: Small landlords, landless laborers. 
  • Artisans.

Grievances of 3rd Estate: (1:38 PM)

  • 3rd Estate was the sole taxpayer.
  • (1st and 2nd Estates, no taxes)
  • High taxes.
  • Manorial/Rent dues.
  • No freedom of work.
  • Need certificate of good conduct. 
  • Hence demanded No Taxation Without Representation (NTWR).

Reasons for the French Revolution: (2:03 PM) 

  • Feudalism: 
  • Feudal society was unequal.
  • And the society was divided into 3 Estates.
  • There were birth-based privileges and no equality for law. 
  • No equality before the law.
  • Economic causes of feudalism: 
  • Agrarian nature of society. 
  • Control of landlords/wealthy.
  • Trade declined.
  • Freedom of work, security, and right to property suffered. 
  • Inspired by American Revolution.
  • Fight for liberty and self-governance of 13 colonies. 
  • But no self-governance at home.  
  • Political reasons: 
  • Unpopular Monarchy.
  • Unpopular rulers: King Louis 16 and Queen Mary Antoinette.
  • Not interested in Public Administration.
  • Huge war expenditure.
  • Austrian War of Succession.
  • 7 Years' War in America.
  • Higher taxes, and inflation. 

Event-wise structure of the French Revolution: (2:34 PM)

  • 1) Meeting of Estate General.
  • 2) Dissatisfied representatives of the 3rd Estate Declare ‘National Assembly’ in the Royal Tennis Court.
  • 3) Attack by soldiers.
  • 4) People revolted and threw open Bastille Prison on 14th July 1789 (for arms), 
  • 5) French Revolution of 1789 begins. 
  • Ideological changes: 
  • Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen.
  • All men are born free and equal.
  • Equality before Law.
  • Innocent until proven otherwise.
  • All are eligible for public office.
  • Freedom of speech and press. 
  • People are the source of all powers and authority. 

Constitution of France: (2:45 PM)

  • It provided a Constitutional monarchy. 
  • The right to vote was linked with income. 
  • Ended feudalism. (There should be a meritocracy.)
  • The Revolution ended Feudalism. 
  • Equality of taxation, legal punishment, etc. 
  • Rule of law, freedom to do anything unless barred by law.
  • Ended Manorial dues.
  • Ended Tithe and Taille.
  • Ended all forms of personal servitude.
  • Ended the purchase of public office, e.g. Judgeship.
  • No need for a Certificate of Good Conduct. 
  • June 1791: Kind and Queen fail to escape from France, wanting to do a counter-revolution with the help of the European Monarchy. 

Reign of Terror: (3:31 PM)

  • Maximilien Robespierre was leader of Jacobins. 
  • Robespierre Guillotined 1400 in a month. 
  • January 1793: King was guillotined. 
  • October 1793: Queen was guillotined.

Rise of Napoleon: (3:41 PM) 

  • Napoleon came into the political picture in 1799. 
  • In 1804, he became the Emperor of France. 
  • Napoleon was at his peak in 1807

Napoleonic Code: (3:48 PM)

  • Book I: Law of Persons (Civil Rights). Domicile, etc.
  • Book II: Law of Things. (Ownership, rental, etc.)
  • Book III: Methods of acquiring rights. 
  • Some highlights of the code: 
  • All male citizens are equal.
  • Ended preference in inheritance to the eldest son.
  • Hereditary nobility, Class privileges, etc. were ended. 

Napoleon: (3:55 PM) 

  • Napoleon hated France until the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon was 20 years of age when French Revolution occurred.
  • 1796-97: Became commander of France.
  • Defeated Austrians in Italy.
  • Developed the image of a liberator in Italy.
  • Signed the Peace Treaty of Campo Formio (1797). 

Topic for the next class: Napoleon, continued, Unification of Italy and Germany.