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With reference to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), consider the following statements:

  1. It is a permanent intergovernmental international organization.
  2. The heads of the State Council are the top decision-making body of SCO.
  3. Afghanistan is one of its member states.

How many of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)Only one

(b)Only two

(c)Only three



Which project"s lack of operationalization is a challenge in Indo-Central Asia relations?

(a)TAPI project

(b)CPEC project

(c) Chabahar project

(d) SCO project


With reference to the "Ashgabat Agreement", consider the following statements:

1. It aims to connect the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf.

2. Its nature is a multimodal transport and transit corridor.

3. Pakistan and India both are members of the Ashgabat Agreement.

How many of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)Only one

(b)Only two 

(c)All three



Consider the following statement regarding to Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

1. All Central Asian Republics are members of the SCO.

2. Three SAARC member countries are members of the SCO.

3. Mongolia and Belarus have observer status in SCO. 

How many of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)Only one

(b)Only two

(c)All three



Consider the following statements.

1. The International North-South Transport Corridor is a multimodal transit system that has the potential to boost connectivity between India and Europe.

2. The construction of the Rasht-Astara railway line as part of an International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC) is a deal signed between Russia and Afghanistan.

3. Preliminary agreements to develop the 7,200-km-long International North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) were signed between Oman, Russia, and India.

How many of the above statements is/are correct?

(a)Only one

(b)Only two

(c)All three



Consider the following statements with regard to the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline project:

1. The Inter-governmental Agreement (IGA) and Gas Pipeline Framework Agreement (GPFA) was signed in 2010 between member countries to facilitate the pipeline"s development.

2. It is a 7124 km long pipeline project that aims to transport natural gas from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and finally, to India.

3. The World Bank is acting as a transaction adviser for the development of the project.

How many of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)Only one

(b)Only two

(c)All three



Which of the following is correct regarding Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure?

(a)It is an ad-hoc body of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

(b)The main function of SCO-RATS is military coordination.

(c)RATS was established in 2009 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

(d)A permanent representative to RATS is sent by each member state of SCO.


UNSC Resolution,2593 was in the news recently. It is related to:




(d)Sri Lanka


Defence and security cooperation with Central Asian countries is important in the backdrop of the India-Pakistan-Afghanistan and China relationship. Comment. Give some examples of military cooperation. (10 Marks/150 Words)


Critically examine the aims and objectives of SCO. What importance does it hold for India? (10 Marks/150 Words)

1) b
2) a
3) b
4) a
5) a
6) a
7) d
8) b