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Consider the following statements regarding the Indo-Afghanistan relations,

1. India-Afghanistan Friendship Dam is located in the Herat province of Afghanistan.

2. India shares the shortest land border with Afghanistan.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)1 only

(b)2 only

(c)Both 1 and 2

(d)Neither 1 nor 2


"Heart of Asia Process" sometimes seen in the news is related to:

(a)Promoting stability in Afghanistan through development assistance.

(b)Exploring mineral wealth of Asia in a sustainable manner.

(c)Process to demilitarize India-Pakistan border.

(d)A US led process to counter China"s Border and Road Initiative.


Consider the following statements with respect to the interest of various major powers of the World in Afghanistan:

1) The interest of the USA lies in curbing the influence of Russia, Iran, and China in Afghanistan.

2) Russia is apprehensive about a possible spillover of violence from Afghanistan to Central Asia thereby threatening Russia"s Caucasus region.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a)1 only

(b)2 only

(c)Both 1 and 2

(d)None of the statement is correct.


Consider the following statements concerning the importance of Afghanistan for India:

1) The geostrategic significance of Afghanistan lies in terms of Its closeness to the Central Asian Region.

2) India has spent considerable capital in constructing infrastructure such as the Parliament building, Salma dam etc in Afghanistan.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

(a)1 only

(b)2 only

(c)Both 1 and 2

(d)Neither 1 nor 2


Delaram Zaranj highway and Garland highway, sometimes seen in the news, are located in:-






Consider the following statements:

  1. UNSC resolution 2593 advocated for the evacuation of people from Afghanistan post-Taliban takeover.
  2. Wakhan corridor is a narrow corridor which starts from China, passes through Aghnanistan and POK and ends in Tajikistan.
  3. Hazara community in Afghanistan is the largest community in terms of population in the territory.
  4. The Chahbahar port operated by India is located in the Kandahar city of Afghanistan.

How many of the above statements are correct?

(a)Only one 

(b)Only Two

(c)Only three

(d)All four


Consider the following pairs concerning the International Boundary Line:

1. Durand line - Between India and Afghanistan
2. Mcmahon Line - Between India and China
3. Johnson Line - Between India and Pakistan
4. Radcliffe line - Between India and China

How many of the above-given statements are correct?

(a)Only one

(b)Only two

(c)Only Three

(d)All four


What is strategic significance of Afghanistan for India? Discuss (150 words/10Marks)


The recent changes in Afghanistan have posed significant challenges for India"s traditional approach to the country and other countries. Examine and suggest adequate measures. (10M, 150words).

1) c
2) a
3) c
4) c
5) a
6) b
7) b