AUKUS Partners Focus on Indo-Pacific Security in Shaping Joint Capabilities | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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AUKUS Partners Focus on Indo-Pacific Security in Shaping Joint Capabilities

Posted 12 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • AUKUS members are considering cooperation with Japan on Pillar II advanced capabilities projects


  • About AUKUS 
    • AUKUS is a trilateral security partnership formed in 2021 between USA, UK and Australia. 
    • It is intended to strengthen the ability of each government to support security and defense interests
    • AUKUS has two primary lines of effort: 
      • Pillar I – Conventionally Armed, Nuclear-Powered Submarines: Under it, UK and USA are helping Australia acquire nuclear-powered submarines.
      • Pillar II – Advanced Capability Development: Focused on developing joint capabilities to enhance interoperability with focus on cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies and additional undersea capabilities etc.


  • Impact of AUKUS in Indo-pacific region
    • It will counter Chinese influence and maintain a balance of power in the region.
    • It may increase militarization and the risk of regional tensions escalating in the region.
    • Raises concerns about nuclear proliferation.


  • AUKUS is different from Quad, another strategic grouping in Indo-Pacific, as it focuses primarily on defence partnership while focus of Quad is broader.
    • Quad or Quadrilateral Security Dialogue is a group of US, Australia, India, and Japan which commits for a free, open, prosperous and inclusive Indo-Pacific region.
  • Tags :
  • Security
  • Indo-Pacific
  • Quad
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