Notified under Environmental Protection Act, 1986, the rules will come into force from 1st of April, 2025.
- End-of-Life Vehicles (EoLV) means all vehicles which are no longer validly registered or declared unfit through Automated Fitness Centres or their registrations have been cancelled.
Key Highlights
- Applicability: Apply to producer, registered owner of vehicles, Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facility (RVSF), automated testing stations etc. involved in testing of vehicles, handling, processing and scrapping of EoLV.
- Exception: Not apply to
- Waste batteries covered under Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022.
- Plastic packaging covered under Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016.
- Waste tyres and used oil covered under Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.
- E-waste covered under E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2022.
- Responsibilities of Producer: Fulfil Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) either through purchase of EPR certificate generated by its own RVSF or by any entity having RVSF.
- EPR certificate: Issued by Central Pollution Control Board through centralised online portal in favour of RVSF.
- Responsibilities of registered owner and bulk consumer: They must deposit EoLV at any of the producer’s designated sales outlet or designated Collection Centre or RVSF within 180 days.
- Implementation Committee: Constituted by Central Government and chaired by CPCB Chairman for effective implementation of rules.