Bakanae Disease or Foot Rot | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 10 May 2024

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Bakanae Disease or Foot Rot

Punjab Agricultural University has developed a biocontrol agent, Trichoderma asperellum, to manage foot rot or ‘bakanae’, a common disease in Basmati rice.

About Bakanae Disease

  • Bakanae is a seed-borne fungal disease that infects plants through roots or crowns.
  • Infected plants are abnormally tall with pale, thin leaves, and produce fewer tillers, and produce only partially filled or empty grains.
  • Caused by the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi, it can affect both young and mature plants.
  • Management Strategies: Seed treatment using fungicides and saltwater can be used to separate lightweight infected seeds.
  • Tags :
  • Fungi
  • Rice disease
  • Foot rot

Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary

National Green Tribunal has taken notice of polling stations, schools and other construction activities in Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary.

About Sonai Rupai Wildlife Sanctuary

  • It is located in the foothills of the Himalayas in the Sonitpur district of Assam.
  • Together with Nameri National Park, it forms part of Sonitpur Kameng Elephant Reserve
  • It is an Important Bird Area recognized by Birdlife International. 
  • Fauna:  Asian Elephant, Indian Bison, Leopard, Indian Gaur, Sambar, Hog Deer, Sloth Bear.
  • Flora: Evergreen, Semi-evergreen and Moist Deciduous forests
  • Perennial Rivers: Dolsiri, Gabharu, Gelgeli, Belsiri, and Sonairupai.
  • Tags :
  • Assam
  • Important Bird Area
  • Elephant Reserve

Right to Information

Delhi High Court has said that difficulty in collating data is not a ground to deny information
under RTI Act.

  • Section 8 of RTI Act deals with exemption from disclosure of information.

Exemptions of information

  • If it affects the sovereignty and integrity of India.
  • Information forbidden to be published by any court of law or tribunal
  • Information related to trade secrets.
  • Notwithstanding anything in the Official Secrets Act, 1923, a public authority may allow
    access to information, if public interest in disclosure outweighs the harm to the
    protected interests.
  • Tags :
  • RTI


Incorrect diagnosis tendency of single widal test is making it difficult to accurately assess India's typhoid burden.

About Widal test

  • It helps detect typhoid or enteric fever in human body.
  • It looks for antibodies (O and H antibodies in sample blood) produced against salmonella bacteria (causes typhoid fever).

About Typhoid 

  • Typhoid fever is caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi.
    • Infected persons carry bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract.
  • It is usually spread through contaminated food or water.
  • Typhoid fever can be prevented by typhoid conjugate vaccine.
  • Tags :
  • Widal Test
  • Typhoid
  • Bacteria

Rat Hole Mining

Despite a ban from the National Green Tribunal in 2014, none of the 26,000 abandoned rat-hole coal mines in the East Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya have been shut down.

About Rat Hole Mining: 

  • Involves the digging of narrow pits into the ground, typically just large enough for one
    person to descend and extract coal.
  • Mostly prevalent in Meghalaya because of the thinness of the coal mines there.
  • Types: Side-cutting procedure (Extraction of coal through  narrow tunnels), Box-
    cutting (Vertical pit is dug through rectangular opening)
  • Issues: 
    • Land degradation, deforestation, Soil erosion, water pollution.
    • Lacking safety measures such as proper ventilation, structural support, or safety
      gear for workers.
    • Child Labour
  • Tags :
  • Rat Hole Mining
  • coal mines
  • Meghalaya

Kamikaze Drones

India’s first kamikaze drone has been developed by Kadet Defence Systems in collaboration with Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO).

About Kamikaze drones

  • Also known as Loitering Aerial Munitions (LAM) or Suicidal drone (crashes onto target) or Switchblade drones.
  • Features:
    • It can loiter over target area for a long duration for precise target identification.
    • Has precision target capability, can change targets mid-flight or even abort the mission.
    • Adaptable to various terrains, including deserts, plains, and high-altitude environments.
    • Loitering capacity: Around 12 hours.
    • Flying range: 150 km to 300 kilometers.
  • Tags :
  • Kamikaze drone
  • Loitering Aerial Munition
  • Switchblade Drones

Drivers of Infectious Disease

A new study suggests that anthropogenic change is contributing to the rise in emerging infectious diseases.

  • Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi.

Findings of the study:

  • Infectious disease risk is modified by biodiversity loss, climate change, chemical pollution, landscape transformations and species introductions
    • Biodiversity loss is considered the biggest environmental driver of infectious disease outbreaks.
  • Urbanization is associated with decreases in disease endpoints.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions, managing ecosystem health, and preventing biological invasions could help to reduce the burden of plant, animal and human diseases.
  • Tags :
  • Climate Change
  • Infectious Disease
  • Chemical Pollution
  • Urbanization

Hague Convention

UNESCO recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention for the
Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.

About Convention: 

  • The first international legal framework entirely dedicated to the protection of movable
    and immovable heritage.
  •  It protects cultural property whether during peacetime or armed conflict.
  • Member states: 135 including India.
  • Convention and its two Protocols (1954 and 1999) have been adopted under
    the auspices of UNESCO.
    • 1999 protocol to the convention provides for the list of Cultural
      Properties under Enhanced Protection.
  • Tags :
  • Hague Convention
  • Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property
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