Tripartite Agreement in Tripura | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 04 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

9 min read

Tripartite Agreement in Tripura

  • Government of India, Government of Tripura and The Indigenous Progressive Regional Alliance (TIPRA) & and other stakeholders signed a tripartite agreement.
  • Agreement aims to amicably resolve all issues of indigenous people of Tripura relating to history, land and political rights, economic development, identity, culture and language.
  • It will also constitute a Joint Working Group/Committee to implement mutually agreed points and directs all stakeholders to refrain from resorting to any form of protest/agitation.
  • Tags :
  • Tripartite agreement
  • Tripura

Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP)

  • Nicaragua becomes the first Spanish-speaking nation to recognize IP.
    • IP is recognized as the official book of standards for the drugs being manufactured and/or marketed in India.
    • IP is published by the Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and Rules 1945 thereunder.


  • About IPC: An autonomous institution under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, created to deal with matters relating to the timely publication of the IP.
  • Tags :
  • Nicaragua
  • Indian Pharmacopoeia (IP)
  • Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission
  • Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940

Dual-use Goods

  • Indian Security agencies detained a vessel over suspicion of dual-use consignment.


  • Dual-use Goods
    • Goods that can have both civilian and military applications, such as chemical substances, nuclear materials, etc.
    • Dual-use items are categorized as Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies (SCOMET) under Foreign Trade Policy, 2023.
    • Export of dual-use items is either prohibited or permitted under an Authorization, unless specifically exempted.
    • It is also regulated under Wassenaar Arrangement.


  • Wassenaar Arrangement: Voluntary multilateral export control regime for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies.
    • It has 42 members, including India.
  • Tags :
  • Dual-use Goods
  • Wassenaar Arrangement
  • Foreign Trade Policy, 2023

Cavum Cloud

  • NASA shares a picture of the 'Cavum cloud' formed above the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Florida.


  • About Cavum Cloud
    • They are also called hole-punch clouds or fallstreak holes, 
    •  They are formed when planes fly through banks of altocumulus clouds,
      • Altocumulus clouds are mid-level clouds that have supercooled (below the freezing point of water but still liquid) water droplets.
    • As air moves around the plane, a process called adiabatic expansion can make the droplets freeze into ice crystals.
    •  The ice crystals eventually grow heavy and fall out of the sky, leaving a hole in the cloud layer.
  • Tags :
  • NASA
  • Cavum Cloud

Swachhata Green Leaf Rating (SGLR) initiative

  • The Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Jal Shakti Ministry), in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, launched SGLR for the tourism industry.
  • Bison Resorts, Madhya Pradesh obtained the first Five Swachhata Green Leaf Rating Certificate of Recognition.


  • About SGLR
    • It is a type of rating system, which evaluates various tourist facilities based on their adherence to specific hygiene and sanitation standards. 
    • Aim: Revolutionize sanitation practices within the country's flourishing tourism industry.
    • It aligns with the Travel for LiFE (TFL) program under Mission LiFE.
  • Tags :
  • Mission LiFE
  • Ministry of Tourism
  • Swachhata Green Leaf Rating
  • Travel for LiFE


  • Experts suggested the roars or calls made by hangul during rutting indicate that their number will cross 300 this spring.


  • Protection status
    • IUCN status: Critical Endangered
    • Schedule I of WPA.
    • CITES: Appendix I
    • Covered under the National Species Recovery Program.


  • Characteristics
    • Subspecies of Central Asian red deer endemic to Kashmir.
    • The female Hangul does not have horns.
    • They have a matriarchal society that follows a female leader.


  • Habitat: Found primarily in Dachigam National Park (DNP) and Tral Wildlife Sanctuary.


  • Conservational measures: Project hangul, the state animal of Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Tags :
  • Hangul
  • Dachigam National Park

Global Resources Outlook 2024

  • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) released Global Resources Outlook 2024 report titled, ‘Bend the trend: Pathways to a liveable planet as resource use spikes’.
  • Report sheds light on how resources are essential to effective implementation of Agenda 2030 and multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) to tackle the triple planetary crisis (TPC).
    • TPC refers to the three interlinked crises: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.
  • Tags :
  • Global Resources Outlook
  • UNEP
  • Triple Planetary Crisis

World Poverty Clock (WPC)

  • Latest data on World Poverty Clock showed that India has managed to bring down ‘extreme poverty’ below 3% of its population.


  • About WPC
    • Developed by World Data Lab, a global data enterprise.
    • Monitors global progress against Ending Extreme Poverty.
    • Funded by International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.
  • Tags :
  • World Data Lab
  • Poverty Clock
  • Extreme Poverty

Place in News

Mauritius (Capital: Port Louis)


  • Prime Ministers of India and Mauritius jointly inaugurated new airstrip and 6 community development projects at Agalega Island in Mauritius.


  • Political Features
    • It is an island country in the Indian Ocean, located off the south-eastern coast of Africa.
    • Nearest neighbour is French island of Réunion.


  • Geographical features:
    • Island is volcanic in origin and is almost entirely surrounded by coral reefs. 
    • Designated by IUCN as a “Centre of Plant Diversity”.
    • Part of Madagascar and Indian Ocean Islands Biodiversity hotspot.
    • Major rivers: Grand River South East, Black River.
    • Highest Peak: Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire (Black River Peak).


  • Tags :
  • Agalega Island
  • Mauritius
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