Article 32 of the Indian Constitution | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 05 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

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Article 32 of the Indian Constitution

  • Supreme Court (SC) said that Article 32 cannot be a remedy after a person has abused fundamental rights under Article 19(1)(a) and Article 25.
    • Article 19(1)(a) grants right to freedom of speech and expression. 
    • Article 25 grants freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.


  • Article 32 of the Constitution gives an extensive original jurisdiction to SC in regard to enforcement of Fundamental Rights. 
    • SC is empowered to issue directions, orders, or writs, including writs in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto, and certiorari to enforce them.
  • Tags :
  • Article 32
  • Fundamental Rights

Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)

  • Election Commission of India notified a ‘scheme for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Manipur to cast vote at relief camps’ in upcoming elections. 
    • It will facilitate voting facilities to the people who were displaced from their native places. 


  • About IDPs
    • IDPs are those forced to leave their homes due to armed conflict, violence, human rights violations, or disasters, without crossing international borders (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
    • Key challenges faced by IDPs:
      • Higher rates of mortality compared to the general population
      • Increased risk of physical attack, sexual assault, etc. 
      • Deprivation of adequate shelter, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Election Commission
  • Internally Displaced Persons

Green Hydrogen Plant

  • Union Minister of Steel inaugurated India’s 1st Green Hydrogen Plant in Stainless Steel Sector.
    • It will pave the way for sustainable steel production. 


  • About the plant
    • It will be the world’s first off-grid Green Hydrogen plant for the stainless steel industry 
    • Also the world’s first Green Hydrogen plant with rooftop & floating solar. 
    • This project is also a state-of-the-art green hydrogen facility. 
    • Target:  To reduce carbon emissions considerably by around 2,700 Metric Tonnes per annum.
    • It is aligned with India’s National Green Hydrogen Mission. 
  • Tags :
  • Green Hydrogen
  • Hydrogen facility
  • Green Hydrogen Mission

Dry Ice

  • Diners at Gurgaon eatery hospitalized after mistakenly being served dry ice.


  • About Dry Ice
    • It is common name for solid carbon dioxide (CO2).
    • It gets this name because it does not melt into a liquid when heated; instead, it changes directly into a gas (a process known as sublimation).
    • It is manufactured by compressing and cooling gaseous CO2.
    • It is considered lethal for human health. 
    • Applications: Hospitals & Clinics, Food Processing & Distribution, Industrial Cleaning and Technical Processes and Theatrical and Special Effects. 
  • Tags :
  • Dry Ice
  • Solid CO2

Project Seabird

  • Infrastructure facilities of Project Seabird Phase IIA will soon be inaugurated. 
  • Project Seabird was initiative by the Indian Navy in 1986 to undertake planning for establishment of 3rd major naval base at Karwar (Karnataka). 
    • Phase I of Project, designed to accommodate 10 ships, concluded in 2011.
    • Phase IIA of project focus on constructing infrastructures that comply with guidelines of Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and MoEFCC. 
      • IGBC is part of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and works to facilitate India be a global leaders in the sustainable built environment by 2025.
  • Tags :
  • CII
  • Project Seabird
  • Karwar

Surge in Indigenous Coal Production

  • Coal production in India has grown from 382.62 million tons (MT) in 2004-05 to 893.19 MT in 2022-23 and is all set to touch 1000 MT in the year 2023-24.
  • Coal India Limited (CIL) contributes to over 80% of the country's indigenous coal production and supply. 
  • Under the current system, public sector coal companies, including CIL, supply coal to the power sector at notified prices.
  • Tags :
  • Coal India Limited
  • Coal production

Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)

  • 7th GECF summit concluded with the adoption of the Algiers declaration.
    • The declaration aims to “promote natural gas as an affordable, reliable energy source, and harness sustainable natural gas technologies”


  • About GECF:
    • Headquartered in Doha, (Qatar), GECF is an intergovernmental organisation, consisting of the world's leading gas exporting countries.
    • Members:  Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad, UAE, Venezuela. 
      • India is neither a member nor an Observer.
    • It seeks to build a mechanism for a meaningful dialogue between gas producers and consumers to improve the stability of gas markets around the world.
  • Tags :
  • Gas Exporting Countries Forum
  • Algiers Declration

UDGAM (Unclaimed Deposits – Gateway to Access inforMation)

  • According to RBI, 30 banks have become part of RBI’s UDGAM portal.


  • About UDGAM Portal 
    • It facilitates the registered users to search unclaimed deposits/accounts across multiple banks in one place in a centralized manner.
    • Balances in savings/current accounts which are not operated for 10 years, or term deposits not claimed within 10 years from the date of maturity are classified as “Unclaimed Deposits”.
      • These amounts are transferred by banks to the Depositor Education and Awareness (DEA) Fund maintained by RBI.
  • Tags :
  • unclaimed deposits

Place in News

Mexico (Capital: Mexico city) 


  • As per reports, the Mexico City is running toward Day Zero scenario
    • In Day Zero scenario, water is only available for vital services. 


  • Political features:
    • Located in southern North America.
    • Shares border with United States,  Belize, and Guatemala.
    • Surrounded by water bodies :   the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Ocean.


  • Geographical features:
    • It is a part of the circum-Pacific Ring of Fire, a region of active volcanism and frequent seismic activity.
    • Highest Peak: Volcán Pico de Orizaba.
    • Major Rivers: Rio Grande river and Colorado river.
    • Desert: Sonoran Desert.


  • Tags :
  • Mexico
  • Day Zero scenario
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