Frontier Technology Labs (FTLs) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 08 Mar 2024

Updated 25 Mar 2024

9 min read

Frontier Technology Labs (FTLs)

  • Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog, and Meta have announced the launch of FTLs.


  • About FTLs
    • Aim: to empower students to innovate using technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Blockchain, etc.
    • It is an advanced version of the Atal Tinkering Lab, equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure.
    • It will be funded by Meta, and Atal Innovation Mission will be the knowledge partner.
    • These labs will be managed by Meta’s partner 1M1B (One Million for One Billion).


  • Tags :
  • Atal Innovation Mission

Orans Land

  • Communities, particularly those in western Rajasthan, are concerned about the state’s proposal to classify orans (sacred groves) as deemed forests.
  • A sacred grove comprises patches of natural vegetation ranging from a few trees to several acres that are dedicated to local deities or tree spirits.


  • Deemed Forest
    • The concept of deemed forests has not been clearly defined in any forest law.
    • In the Godavarman Thirumalpad (1996) case, SC brought in the concept of ‘deemed forests,’.
      • It means an area that wasn’t officially classified as forest by the government but looked like it.


  • Tags :
  • Deemed Forest

Technology Development Board (TDB)

  • TDB has entered into an agreement with a private company for Advanced Chemical Manufacturing Facility.


  • About TDB
    • Genesis: A statutory body under the Technology Development Board Act, 1995.
    • Ministry: Ministry of Science and Technology.
    • Objective: commercializing the results of indigenous research.
    • Functions:
      • Provides equity capital or loans to industrial concerns and financial assistance to research and development institutions.
      • Facilitates interaction between industry, scientists, technocrats, and specialists.


  • Tags :
  • TDB
  • TDB Act, 1995

PM Ujjwala Yojana

  • Union Cabinet approves continuation of targeted subsidy of Rs. 300 per LPG cylinder for up to 12 refills per year under Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) during FY 2024-25.


  • PM Ujjwala Yojana
    • Launched in 2016 with the objective to provide clean cooking fuel to rural and deprived households which were otherwise using traditional cooking fuels.
      • Government targets 10.35 crore LPG connections under the scheme. 
    • Ministry: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
    • Eligible beneficiary: An adult woman belonging to poor household and not having LPG connection. 
    • Government provides financial support of Rs. 1600 for each LPG connection.


  • Tags :
  • PM Ujjwala Yojana
  • PMUY

ChipIN Centre

  • ChipIN centre aims to provide state-of-the-art Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools to around 85,000 students to design Semiconductor Chips.


  • ChipIN Centre
    • The Centre has been set up by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology at C-DAC (Centre for Development of Advanced Computing). 
    • It is a centralized design facility, hosting most advanced tools for entire chip design cycle and provide aggregate services for fabrication of design. 
    • It aims to bring the chip design infrastructure at door-steps of the semiconductor design community.


  • Tags :
  • ChipIN Centre
  • Electronics Design
  • Semiconductor

‘NITI for States’ Platform

  • Government has launched the ‘NITI for States’ platform
    • It is a comprehensive digital initiative designed to empower States/UTs in their pursuit of national development goals. 


  • Key Features of Platform:
    • It offers a centralised repository of valuable resources, including best practices, policy documents, datasets, and NITI Aayog publications.
    • Multilingual: It will be available in 22 major Indian languages and 7 foreign languages.
    • Capacity Building: Tailored digital training modules for officials at various levels (block, district, and state).
    • Expert Help: Specialized guidance through partnerships with leading institutions to address specific challenges.


  • Tags :
  • NITI for States

Corbett Tiger Reserve

  • Supreme Court has directed to constitute a committee to assess the damage caused in the Corbett Tiger Reserve due to Tiger Safaris.


  • About Corbett Tiger Reserve
    • Located on foothills of Himalayas in Uttarakhand and spread over Bhabar and lower Shivalik region.
    • First national park to be established in mainland Asia.
    • Declared as an 'Important Bird Area' (IBA) by Birdlife International.
    • Rivers flowing through it: Ramganga, Pallaen and Sonanadi.
    • Local grasslands known as Chaur. 
    • Vegetation type: Tropical dry and moist deciduous forest.
    • Fauna: Tiger (highest tiger density), elephant, leopard, sambar, hog deer etc.


  • Tags :
  • Corbett Tiger Reserve

Place in News

Indonesia (Capital: Jakarta)

  • RBI and Bank Indonesia signed MoU to promote use of local currencies in bilateral transactions.


  • Political Boundaries:
    • A Southeast Asian country, located on equator, and largest archipelagic country.
    • Land Borders: Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and East Timor
    • Maritime Borders: Singapore, Philippines, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand and India.
    • Water Bodies: South China Sea and Pacific Ocean (North), and Indian Ocean (South).


  • Geographical Features:
    • Five largest islands: Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua.
    • Major Rivers: Mahakam, Barito
    • Highest Peak: Puncak Jaya
    • It lies on Pacific Ring of Fire. 



  • Tags :
  • RBI
  • MoU on use of Local Currencies

Shankaracharya Temple

  • PM has offered his reverence to the Shankaracharya Hill on his recent visit to Kashmir.
    • The hill located in the Zabarwan Range, houses the Shankaracharya Temple.


  • About the Temple
    • The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is located at a height of 1100 feet.
    • It is considered as the oldest shrine for worship in Kashmir valley.
    • The temple got its name from the visit of the philosopher and saint Adi Shankaracharya.
      • He propounded the Doctrine of Advaita,  and 
      • He established the four maths namely Dwarka, Joshimath, Puri, and Sringeri.


  • Tags :
  • Shankaracharya Temple
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