Indian Official delegation held talks with Afghan Authorities | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Indian Official delegation held talks with Afghan Authorities

Posted 11 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Delegation on a visit to Afghanistan discussed India’s humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan and use of Chabahar port (Iran) by Afghan traders.
  • India – Afghan relations post-Taliban takeover (Aug 2021)
    • Technical Mission in Kabul: Opened in June 2022, to facilitate and coordinate India’s humanitarian assistance endeavors.
      • Education: India has continued Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) scholarship scheme for Afghan students.
      • Trade & Commerce: Ongoing unhindered including through Chabahar port.
  • Challenges
    • Ideological differences: Extremist religious ideology of Taliban is at odds with India’s democratic and secular values, which results in India’s recognition dilemma of current Afghan regime.
    • Humanitarian concerns: Particularly women's rights and access to education and healthcare.
    • Limited engagement: Recent closure of Afghan Embassy in Delhi, strained relations over denial of visas to Afghan students, etc.
    • Regional geopolitics: Pakistan’s desire to acquire strategic depth in Afghan without controlling territories.
  • Way Forward
    • Diplomatic pragmatism: Engage Taliban both bilaterally and as part of regional grouping like SAARC, SCO, etc., to protect India’s security and strategic interests.
    • People-to-People contact: India should continue to host Afghan students and capitalize on its strong goodwill among Afghan people.

Significance of Peace and Stability in Afghanistan for India

  • Regional connectivity: Afghanistan is considered as gateway to Central Asian Region.
  • Energy and resources: Stability in Afghanistan could pave way for TAPI pipeline.
  • Security: Stable Afghanistan is essential to combat Pakistan-based terrorist groups.
  • Tags :
  • India – Afghan
  • Technical Mission in Kabul
  • post-Taliban
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