Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain (JSA: CTR) 2024 Campaign | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 12 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

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Jal Shakti Abhiyan: Catch the Rain (JSA: CTR) 2024 Campaign

  • Ministry of Jal Shakti Launched 5th edition of the annual JSA: CTR 2024 Campaign.
  • About JSA: CTR 2024
    • Background: It was first launched in 2019 as a “Jan Andolan” and since 2021, it has become an annual feature covering all blocks of all districts across country. 
    • Aim: To initiate and accelerate water conservation at the grassroots level through citizen participation. 
    • Launched under:  National Water Mission (NWM).
      • NWM is one of the eight National Missions under National Action Plan on Climate Change. 
    • 2024 Theme: Nari Shakti se Jal Shakti 
    • Focused interventions: Water conservation and rainwater harvesting, geo-tagging & making inventory of all water bodies, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Jan Andolan
  • JSA: CTR 2024
  • Catch the Rain
  • Jal Shakti Abhiyan

Tartrazine, Carmoisine, Sunset Yellow and Rhodamine-B

  • Karnataka has banned the use of artificial colours In gobi manchurian and Cotton Candy.
  • About Colour Chemicals
    • Tartrazine and Sunset Yellow can cause cause allergic or pseudo-allergic reaction
    • Carmoisine can cause skin rashes and respiratory allergies
    • Rhodamine B  is a chemical colouring agent used in textile dyeing and the paper industry and is considered carcinogenic in nature.
  • Tags :
  • Colour Chemicals
  • Tartrazine
  • Sunset Yellow
  • artificial colours
  • Cotton Candy

Textile Reinforced Concrete Prototyping Technology (TRCPT)

  • Agreement for transfer of technology for TRCPT between CSIR and L&T Construction.
  • About TRCPT
    • It is a non-conventional construction material consisting of fine grained cementitious binder and non-metallic textile reinforcement.
    • It is a precast technology and can help in economical mass production of TRC products.
      • Completely avoids the conventional way of concrete construction, which makes use of moulds ,
      • Less fabrication cost with increased production rate
      • It  is corrosion-free.
      • It has a minimum life of 50 years.
      • Uses: street furniture, canopy structure partition walls, noise barriers, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Textile Reinforced Concrete Prototyping Technology

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Index Providers Regulations, 2024

  • Through the 2024 regulation, SEBI has mandated registration of index providers managing “significant indices” based on securities listed in India.
    • ‘Index Provider’ means  a person  who  controls  the creation,  operation  and administration  of  a Benchmark or  an  Index
  • This will foster transparency in the governance index in the securities market.
  • About Index
    • An index measures the price performance of a basket of securities using a standardized metric and methodology.
    • Indexes in financial markets are often used as benchmarks to evaluate an investment's performance against.
    • Nifty 50 and the Nifty PSU Bank, etc. are some important indexes in Indian markets.
  • Tags :
  • SEBI
  • SEBI Index

Yaounde Declaration

  • Ministers of Health from African countries signed the Yaounde Declaration to end malaria deaths.
  • Signed at the Yaoundé conference co-hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) & Cameroon
  • 11 African nations, which account for the majority of global malaria infections and fatalities, signed it.
  • It includes the commitment to allocate 15 percent of annual budgets for the health sector.
  • It's aligned with the “High burden to high impact” WHO approach, founded on 4 pillars: 
    • The political will to reduce malaria deaths; 
    • Strategic information to drive impact; 
    • Better guidance, policies, and strategies
    • Coordinated national malaria response.
  • Tags :
  • Yaoundé conference
  • High burden to high impact
  • Yaounde Declaration

Vajra sentinel system

  • Defence Ministry signs ₹200 crore contract for anti-drone (Vajra sentinel system) under Indian Defence Exhibition (iDEX) initiative.
  • Vajra sentinel system
    • It is a modern solution designed to detect, track, and neutralize drones at extraordinary ranges.
    • It offers soft kills by jamming and hard kills by interceptor drones.
    • Operational range of 10 km and a hard-kill reach of 5-6 km.
  • Tags :
  • Vajra sentinel system
  • Indian Defence Exhibition
  • iDEX

Exercise Cutlass Express

  • Indian navy participated in U.S. Naval Forces led multinational maritime Exercise Cutlass Expres in Seychelles. 
  • It is a cornerstone of maritime security and cooperation in the strategic waters of the East African coast and the Western Indian Ocean. 
  • Tags :
  • Cutlass
  • Exercise

Places in News- Haiti (Capital: Port-au-Prince)

Haiti (Capital:  Port-au-Prince)

  • Haiti is experiencing a surge in Gang violence as gangs demand for resignation of the Prime Minister.
  •  Political features
    • Haiti is a Caribbean Island on the western part of the island of Hispaniola
    • Land Border: Dominican Republic (East)
    • Maritime Borders: Caribbean Sea (South and West) and Atlantic Ocean(North)
      • Gulf of Gonâve lies along the western coast of Haiti.
  • Geographical Features
    • Longest River: Artibonite
    • 4 Mountain ranges: Cordillera Septentrional, Northern Massif, Matheux Mountains, Massif de la Selle 
    • Highest Peak: Pic la Selle
    • Climate: Warm, humid tropical climate
  • Tags :
  • Haiti
  • Port-au-Prince
  • Artibonite
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