India and Brazil hold First ‘2+2’ Defence and Foreign Ministerial Dialogue  | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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India and Brazil hold First ‘2+2’ Defence and Foreign Ministerial Dialogue 

Posted 16 Mar 2024

Updated 27 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • In 2+2 Dialogue, both countries explored ways to expand cooperation in energy, critical minerals, technology, and counter-terrorism.
    • 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue is a meeting of Foreign and Defense Ministers from two countries to discuss issues of mutual interest. 
      • India has 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue with US, Australia, Japan etc.


  • India-Brazil Bilateral Relations 
    • Political Relations: Strategic Partners since 2006. 
    • Cooperation in Multilateral Forums: It includes UN, G20, BRICS, IBSA (India, Brazil and South Africa) etc. 
      • G4 (Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan), support each other for permanent seats in UNSC. 
      • Part of India led alliance such as International Solar Alliance (ISA). 
      • Also enabling India close cooperation with MERCOSUR (regional trading bloc in South America). 
    • Trade: India is 5th largest trading partner of Brazil (2021). 
    • Space: ISRO launched Brazil’s satellite Amazonia-1 (2021).
    • Security: Joint statement and action plan for enhancing defense and security cooperation were signed (2020). 
    • Cooperation in Bio-fuels: Brazil is the world’s second-largest producer of biofuels. It is also part of Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA), an India-led Initiative. 


  • Mechanism like Trade Monitoring Mechanism, Strategic Dialogue (NSA) etc. are playing key role in enhancing relationship by resolving issues.
  • Tags :
  • 2+2
  • India and Brazil
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