Bharatiya Adim Janjati Seva Sanghathan (BAJSS) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 18 Mar 2024

Updated 28 Mar 2024

9 min read

Bharatiya Adim Janjati Seva Sanghathan (BAJSS)

  • Minister for Tribal Affairs laid the foundation stone of 'Centre for Preservation and promotion of Tribal Culture & Heritage' in Jharkhand.
    • It would be showcasing physical and intangible tribal culture, and would be a knowledge and information centre for assisting tribal development. 
    • It will be developed as a live centre, with space for artisans to demonstrate their skills. 
  • Minister also inaugurated renovated National Unique Tribal Museum and e-Library at BAJSS, New Delhi.
    • BAJSS was established in 1948 by Shri Amritlal Vithaldas Thakkar (Thakkar Bapa), for upliftment of tribal community
  • Tags :
  • Tribal Culture & Heritage

Reserve Bank - Integrated Ombudsman Scheme (RB-IOS)

  • RB-IOS saw a significant 68.2% increase in complaints in FY23 compared to FY22.
  • RB-IOS was launched in 2021 by integrating three ombudsman schemes: Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006; Ombudsman Scheme for NBFCs, 2018; and Ombudsman Scheme for Digital Transactions, 2019.
    • It adopts “One Nation One Ombudsman” principle.
    • Itprovides single window for resolution of complaints against RBI regulated entities viz. Banks, NBFCs, Payment System Participants and Credit Information Companies
    • Redressal/adjudication of complaints is handled by 24 Offices of RBI Ombudsman (ORBIOs) and Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre (CRPC).
  • Tags :
  • Integrated Ombudsman Scheme

Dwarf Coconut Variety (Kalpa Suvarna) and Hybrid varieties of cocoa (VTL CH I and VTL CH II)

  • Government released a new Kalpa Suvarna and VTL CH I and VTL CH II developed by Central Plantation Crops Research Institute.


  • About Kalpa Suvarna
    • Suitable for copra and tender coconut production. It starts flowering 30-36 months after planting
    • Recommended for cultivation in Karnataka and Kerala.


  • About VTL CH I and VTL CH II
    • VTL CH I: Cultivated as an inter-crop both in arecanut coconut plantations and suitable for Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
    • VTL CH II: Tolerant to black pod rot which is high in high rainfall region and suitable for Karnataka and Kerala.
  • Tags :
  • Kalpa Suvarna
  • Coconut Variety

Exercise Lamitiye 2024

  • It is a Joint Military Exercise between Indian Army and Seychelles Defence Forces.
  • Tags :
  • Lamitiye 2024
  • Joint Military Exercise

Sickle Cell Disease

  • Delhi-based Akmus Drugs and Pharmaceutical Limited developed India’s first indigenous, room temperature stable drug for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).
  • SCD is a group of inherited Red Blood Cell (RBC) disorders or haemoglobin disorders
    • It changes the shapes of RBCs from round to a C-shaped farm tool called sickle.
    • Sickle cells clog the blood flow and die early, causing a constant shortage of RBCs
    • It results in chronic anaemia, organ infarction and chronic organ damage.
  • India has launched National Sickle Cell Anaemia Elimination Mission, aiming to eliminate sickle cell genetic transmission by 2047.
  • Tags :
  • Sickle Cell


  • Delhi's Biomining project is likely to miss the 2024 deadline to clear landfill sites.


  • About Biomining
    • As per Central Pollution Control Board, scientific process of excavation, treatment, segregation and gainful utilisation of aged municipal solid waste or legacy waste is called Biomining.
    • It is an environmentally friendly technique to separate soil and recyclables like plastic, metal, paper, textiles, etc.
    • Biomining operations target valuable metals like copper, uranium, nickel, and gold that are commonly found in sulfur-bearing minerals.
  • Tags :
  • Biomining

Similipal Tiger Reserve (STR)

  • Odisha police traces illegal poppy farms deep within STR.


  • About STR
    • It is a National Park and Tiger Reserve located within Mayurbhanj District, Odisha.
    • It comes under Deccan Peninsular Bio-geographic Zone, Chhotanagpur Province and Mahanadian Region.
    • Flora: Moist mixed deciduous forest, Tropical semi-evergreen forest, sporadic patches of dry deciduous forests and grasslands.
    • Fauna: Tiger, Leopard, King Cobra, Common Cobra etc.
    • UNESCO added it to its list of Biosphere Reserves in 2009.
  • Tags :
  • Protected Area
  • Similipal Tiger Reserve

Kshipra River

  • Performance audit by CAG stated that Kshipra River continues to remain polluted despite interventions of government agencies. 


  • About Kshipra (Shipra) River
    • It originates in Vindhya Range (Kokri Bardi hill) and flows in a northerly direction.
    • It flows across the Malwa Plateau to join Chambal River.
    • Ujjain is situated on its bank, where Kumbh Mela takes place once every 12 years. 
    • Main tributaries: Kahn and Gambhir.
  • Tags :
  • Kshipra River
  • River pollution

Place in News


  • Indian Navy foils further attempts of Somali pirates using hijacked MV Ruen.


  • Political Boundaries
    • Easternmost country of Africa, on Horn of Africa.
    • Land border: Kenya and Ethiopia (west), and Djibouti (northwest).
    • Water border: Gulf of Aden (north), Indian Ocean (east).


  • Geographical features
    • Highest peak: Mount Shimbiris (Mount Surud Cad).
    • Major rivers: Juba and Scebeli.


  • Tags :
  • Somalia
  • Mogadishu
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