IMT TRILAT- 2024 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 22 Mar 2024

9 min read


  • India Mozambique Tanzania (IMT) Tri Lateral (TRILAT) is a joint maritime exercise.
  • First edition of IMT TRILAT exercise was conducted on Oct 2022.
  • Tags :
  • Maritime Exercise

Universal Acceptance

  • Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology launched the BhashaNet portal based on the concept of Universal Acceptance (UA). 
    • It is developed by the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing with support of National Internet Exchange of India.


  • About Universal Acceptance 
    • It ensures that all domain names, including Internationalized Domain Names and email addresses, are treated equally.
    • It can be used by all Internet-enabled applications, devices, and systems. 
    • BhashaNet portal is such a step, aims to make .in (dot in) universally accepted domain. 
  • Tags :
  • Universal Acceptance
  • BhashaNet portal

Operation Indravati

  • India launched Operation Indravati to evacuate its nationals from Haiti to the Dominican Republic.
  • As part of the ongoing operation, 12 Indians were evacuated.
  • Haiti has been under a state of emergency after some armed groups attacked the country's largest prison in Port-au-Prince earlier this month.
  • Tags :
  • Haiti
  • Operation Indravati

Right Whale

  • Study finds female right whales may never breed after entanglement in fishing gear. 


  • Right Whale  
    • They are named for being "right" whales to hunt because they were easy to catch (found close to shore, swam slowly, and floated when they were dead). 
    • It has 3 species 
      • Southern right whales (Least Concern)
      • North Atlantic right whales (Critically Endangered)
      • North Pacific right whales (Endangered)
    • They feed almost exclusively on zooplankton.
    • They are threatened by entanglement in fishing gear, ship collisions, bycatch, climate change etc.
  • Tags :
  • Right Whale
  • marine mammals
  • conservation

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

  • ITU elected India as co-chair of its Digital Innovation Board.
  • ITU is specialized United Nations agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs), driving innovation in ICTs.
  • Members: 193 Member States (including India) and over 900 companies, universities, and international and regional organizations.
  • Established in 1865 to manage the first international telegraph networks.
  • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Tags :
  • ITU
  • UN Agency
  • ICT


  • JNCASR scientists develop a pancreas-mimicking silk-based hydrogel system for responsive insulin delivery in diabetes treatment.


  • Pancreas 
    • Pancreas is located behind the stomach in the upper left abdomen. 
    • Functions of the Pancreas
      • Exocrine Function: Pancreas contains exocrine glands that produce enzymes that help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in the small intestine.
      • Endocrine Function: Pancreas produces several hormones, including insulin and glucagon.
    • Disorders affecting pancreas include pancreatitis, Diabetes, pancreatic cancer, etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Pancreas
  • insulin
  • diabetes


  • Technology Development Board grants funds for Project ANAGRANINF - Development of a Novel Class of Antibiotics Against Gram-Negative Bacterial-Infections. 


  • About Project:
    •  It is a collaborative initiative between Indian and Spanish companies.
    • Objective: Develop a novel lead compound (particularly an antibiotic) and combatting critical gram-negative pathogens
      • It will produce compounds which are aligned with the criteria laid out by the World Health Organization (WHO) for tackling Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) infections.
  • Gram-negative bacteria are resistant to multiple drugs and are increasingly resistant to most available antibiotics.
  • Tags :
  • Project ANAGRANINF
  • Antibiotics
  • Gram-negative bacteria

Places in News

Papua New Guinea (Capital: Port Moresby)


  • Recently, two warring groups Yopo Alliance & Palinau Alliance signed ceasefire agreement in Papua New Guinea.


  • Political Boundaries 
    • Island country in south-western Pacific Ocean.
    • Encompassing eastern half of New Guinea (world’s second largest island); Bismarck Archipelago; Bougainville and Buka, etc.
    • Stretches from just south of Equator to Torres Strait.
    • Neighbours: Indonesia (west), Australia (south) and Solomon Islands (south-east).


  • Geographical Features
    • Situated along a Pacific Ring of Fire.
    • Main rivers: Sepik and Fly
    • Highest peak: Mount Wilhelm
  • Tags :
  • Papua New Guinea

Uniting For Consensus (UfC) Model

  • India criticised the UfC model at the United Nations for its opposition to Security Council reforms. 


  • About Uniting For Consensus (UfC) 
    • Group created in 1990’s, also known as Coffee Club. 
    • Objective:
      • Expand non-permanent seats for regional inclusivity.
      • Avoid new permanent seats and limit veto power.
    • Members: It comprises 12 countries and 2 observers including a P5 country. Italy, Turkey, Pakistan etc. are part of it. 
  • Tags :
  • UfC Model
  • Coffee Club
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