IRENA releases “A World Energy Transitions Outlook Brief: Tracking CoP 28 outcomes” report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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IRENA releases “A World Energy Transitions Outlook Brief: Tracking CoP 28 outcomes” report

Posted 29 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Report tracks global progress towards the energy transition commitment to triple renewables by 2030 as outlined in COP 28 of UNFCCC (held in November 2023).


  • Key findings
    • Benchmark yet insufficient progress: 2023 added 473 GW (73% contributed by Solar energy) additional Renewable to global energy mix. 
      • However, annual addition must reach almost 1100 GW to meet tripling target. 
    • Geographical disparities: With a growth of 20.1% Asia was leader in renewable deployment and its growth was driven by China. 
    • Progress in electrification: Road transport has highest potential for electrification. 
      • New EV models, financial incentives and improving charging infrastructure are key drivers for this. 


  • Challenges in achieving tripling target
    • Rising financing costs
    • Supply chain issues (bottlenecks for some technologies and market oversupply in others), etc. 


  • Recommendations to achieve tripling target
    • Reforming multilateral finance mechanisms
    • Supporting infrastructure (e.g., power grids, storage)
    • Robust policy frameworks 
    • International cooperation for
      • developing renewable supply chain,
      • enhancing institutional and human capacity
      • scaling up and broadening access to lowcost finance



Headquarters: Abu Dhabi (UAE)


  • Genesis: proposal for an international agency dedicated to renewable energy was made in 1981 at the UN Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy, held in Nairobi, Kenya.
    • IRENA was founded in Bonn (Germany) in 2009 with 75 states signing the IRENA Statute at the time.
  • About: It is a leading global intergovernmental agency for energy transformation. 
  • Functions: Serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, supports countries in their energy transitions, and provides state of the art data and analyses on technology, etc.
  • Members:168 countries and the EU ( India is also a member)
  • Major reports by IRENA
    • World Energy Transition Outlook
    • Renewable Energy Outlook for ASEAN
    • Renewable Energy for Agriculture
  • Tags :
  • Energy Transition Outlook
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