Waterspout was reported near the coast of Sicily (Italy).
About Waterspout
- A waterspout is a column of cloud-filled wind rotating over a water body.
- Despite its name, it is not filled with water from the ocean or lake.
- Instead, it descends from a cumulus cloud.
- The water inside it is formed by condensation in the cloud.
- Types:
- Tornadic waterspouts (the most powerful and destructive type)
- Fair-weather waterspouts (rarely dangerous).
- Conditions for formation: High levels of humidity and relatively warm water temperatures compared to the overlying air.
- Regions for formation: Most common in tropical and subtropical waters.
- Tags :
- Tornado
- Waterspout
Global Finance Central Banker Report Cards 2024
RBI Governor is rated “A+”, for the second time in a row, in Global Finance Central Banker Report Cards 2024.
About Central Banker Report Cards
- Published annually by US-based Global Finance since 1994.
- Grades central bank governors of nearly 100 countries.
- Grades are based on a scale from A to F for success in inflation control, economic growth goals, currency stability and interest rate management.
- It honours bank leaders whose strategies outperformed their peers through originality, creativity and tenacity.
- Tags :
- Central Banker Report Cards
- Global Finance
Articles Sources
Crimes against Women 2024
Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) released report on sitting MPs/MLAs with Declared Cases Related to Crimes against Women 2024.
About the report:
- Overall, 151 MPs/MLAs have such charges, with one-third from the ruling party at the center.
- There are 16 sitting MPs and MLAs who have declared cases related to rape.
- Recommendations of ADR: Political parties to refrain from giving tickets, fast-tracking of court cases against MPs and MLAs etc.
- Tags :
- Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR)
- Crimes against Women 2024
International Criminal Court (ICC)
Ukraine parliament votes in favour of joining the ICC.
About ICC
- It is an independent judicial body.
- It may exercise jurisdiction over persons charged with genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression.
- It is not part of the UN.
- However, it is governed by the Rome Statute negotiated within the UN.
- Also, the UN Security Council can refer certain situations to the Prosecutor of the ICC.
- The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial organ of the UN.
- Members: 124 countries (India, China, Russia, and the US are not members)
- Tags :
- Ukraine
- Rome Statute
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
- UN
Hayflick Limit
Leonard Hayflick passed away recently.
- He introduced the ‘Hayflick limit’ that fundamentally changed the understanding of aging.
About Hayflick limit
- It is the number of times a cell population can divide until it attains a cell cycle arrest.
- It depends on the length of chromosomal telomeres, which decreases in standard cells with every cell division.
- The telomere is the region of repetitive DNA sequences at the end of a chromosome.
- The “Hayflick limit”, is around 125 years for humans.
- Beyond this, no amount of diet, exercise, or genetic tweaking against diseases can extend the human lifespan.
- Tags :
- Cell Ageing
- Hayflick Limit
- Telomere
Findings of Chandrayaan-3
The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) instrument on Pragyan Rover of Chandrayaan-3 provided evidence supporting the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) Hypothesis.
About LMO hypothesis
- Related to the early evolution of the Moon, it states that the Moon was a molten ocean of magma on formation.
- On cooling, the heavier minerals (silicon and magnesium-rich minerals like Olivine and Pyroxene) sank to form the inner layers
- Whereas, the lighter minerals (Calcium, sodium) formed the outer layer.
Chandrayaan-3 (2023)
- It is a follow-on mission to Chandrayaan-2 to demonstrate end-to-end capability in safe landing and roving on the lunar surface.
- Tags :
- Moon
- Chandrayaan-3
- pragyan rover
EU Nature Restoration Law
Recently, the EU Nature Restoration Law came into force.
About the Law
- EU’s first continent-wide legislation for nature restoration.
- Aim: Restore 20% of degraded ecosystems by 2030 and all by 2050.
- Requires Member States to prepare National Restoration Plans by 1 September 2026.
- Prioritizes conservation of Natura 2000 network areas.
- Natura 2000 is a network of protected areas in EU.
- Legally binding targets:
- Restore 30% of terrestrial, coastal, freshwater, drained peatlands, and marine ecosystems by 2030.
- Restore 25,000 km of rivers to free-flowing status.
- Plant three billion additional trees by 2030.
- Tags :
- Nature Restoration
- EU Nature Restoration Law
Tera Hertz (THz) Waves
TRAI has recommended establishing Tera Hertz Experimental Authorisation to develop innovative new technologies and services in the Tera Hertz band.
About Tera Hertz (THz)
- THz radiation generally refers to electromagnetic waves at the frequency of 0.1–10 THz, which lies between the microwave and infrared regions of the spectrum.
- Applications of THz
- Space-based communication like Earth Exploration-Satellite Service (EESS), radio astronomy service, etc.
- Short-range wireless communication
- Security applications (like solid explosive material detection)
- Biomedical imaging and body surface diagnoses
- Tags :
- Tera Hertz Spectrum
- electromagnetic spectrum