UN Secretary-General urges for disarmament in Security Council meeting held in Japan | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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UN Secretary-General urges for disarmament in Security Council meeting held in Japan

Posted 19 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • Calling for disarmament now, he urged States with nuclear arsenals to lead the way across six areas for action.
    • Dialogue to work together for transparency and prevent accidental use.
    • Threats to use nuclear weapons should stop.
    • Nuclear weapon States must re-affirm moratoria on nuclear testing.
    • Nuclear weapon states must fulfil their disarmament commitments.
    • A joint no first-use agreement.
    • US and Russia should resume talks to reduce nuclear stockpiles under New START treaty. 
      • New START Treaty is nuclear arms reduction agreement between US and Russia signed in 2010.


  • Global treaties for Nuclear Disarmament


Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) -1963Prohibits testing nuclear weapons
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT)-1967prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and technology.
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT)-1996Prohibits all nuclear test explosions (not yet in force).
Treaty on the Prohibition of nuclear weapons (TPNW)- 2017Prohibits development, testing, possession, and use of nuclear weapons (entered into force in 2021).


  • India signed and ratified only Partial Test Ban Treaty among above. 


  • Tags :
  • Nuclear disarmament
  • Nuclear Arms Control
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