Global Trade Update report | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 27 Mar 2024

Updated 30 Mar 2024

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Global Trade Update report

  • Report was released by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).


  • Key Findings: 
    • Services exports from India rose by 14% in 2023, while goods export declined by 6%.
    • International trade is expected to rebound in 2024.
    • Logistical challenges such as shipping disruptions in Red Sea, Black Sea etc. can raise costs and disrupt supply chains.


  • UNCTAD: Established in 1964 as permanent intergovernmental body, it is main authority of UN General Assembly in sphere of trade and development.
  • Tags :
  • Global Trade

Hepatitis B

  • Public knowledge about Hepatitis B is dismal in India, according to study.
  • Viral hepatitis is an inflammation of liver caused by a virus. 


  • Main hepatitis viruses are:
    • Hepatitis A: Effective vaccine available; Outbreaks related to contaminated food or to person-to-person transmission.
    • Hepatitis B: Effective vaccine available; is a leading cause of liver cancer. 
    • Hepatitis C: It is spread when a person who is not immune comes in contact with body fluids from an infected person. There's no vaccine to prevent it.
  • Tags :
  • Hepatitis

Operation SANKALP

  • Launched by Indian navy in December 2023, it completed 100 days.


  • It operates across three key areas: Gulf of Aden and adjoining regions, Arabian Sea, and off East Coast of Somalia.


  • Objective: safeguarding India’s maritime interests, countering maritime threats, thwarting resurgence of piracy and significantly denting narcotics trade in Indian Ocean Region.
  • Tags :
  • maritime security
  • Indian Ocean

PSLV Orbital Experimental Module-3 (POEM-3)

  • POEM-3, successfully concluded its mission by re-entering Earth's atmosphere and disintegrating.


  • Achievement: It virtually left no debris in orbit, demonstrating a commitment to minimizing space clutter.


  • About POEM-3:  
    • It used spent PS4 stage of the PSLV-C58 rocket that launched XPoSat.
  • POEM initiative utilizes fourth stage of PSLV as platform to conduct scientific experiments in orbit converting it into a functioning laboratory for space-based research.
  • Tags :
  • PSLV
  • Space Debris

Statio Shiv Shakti

  • International Astronomical Union (IAU) has approved the name 'Statio Shiv Shakti' for the landing site of Chandrayaan-3's Vikram lander.
  • Name was included in Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature, which documents planetary names approved by IAU.
    • Planetary nomenclature uniquely identifies a feature on surface of a planet or satellite.


  • IAU was founded in 1919 with its Secretariat in Paris, France
    • Its mission is to promote and safeguard the science of astronomy in all its aspects.
    • 92 member countries including India
    • It serves as international authority for assigning designations to celestial bodies and surface features on them.
  • Tags :
  • Chandrayaan-3
  • Planetary Nomenclature

Mekong River

  • Vietnam faces crop losses as saltwater seeps into the Mekong Delta region, known as “Vietnam’s rice bowl”.
    • The Mekong delta, one of the largest and most fertile deltas in Asia, is situated in Cambodia and Vietnam.


  • Mekong River is longest river in Southeast Asia.
    • Origin: Tibetan Plateau.
    • It passes through China, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. 
    • It forms part of international border between Myanmar and Laos, and Laos and Thailand. 
    • It drains into South China Sea.
    • Cities on its banks include Phnom Penh, Ho Chi Minh City and Vientiane.
  • Tags :
  • Mekong River
  • Southeast Asia
  • Delta

Shinku La Pass

  • Border Road Organisation has connected strategically important road from Manali (Himachal Pradesh) to Leh (Ladakh) through Darcha and Nimmu on Kargil–Leh Highway.
  • Road is not only shorter, but crosses only one pass—Shinku La (16,558 feet).
    • Shinku La Pass connects Lahaul and Spiti in Himachal Pradesh with Zanskar Valley in Kargil, Ladakh.
  • This will result in road having all weather connectivity to Ladakh region.
  • Tags :
  • Pass
  • Ladakh
  • Himachal Pradesh

Bahá’í Community

  • The faith of Bahá’í community is not recognised by the Iran’s Constitution.
  • Bahá’í faith is a relatively young monotheistic religion with spiritual roots dating back to early 19th century in Iran.
    • Founder of Bahá’í faith is Bahá’u’lláh.
    • Holy shrine of Bahá’u’lláh and Holy shrine of the Báb (Haifa), as the most holy places of the Bahá’í faith, are located in Israel.
    • Bahai core beliefs are “the unity of religion”, “the unity of God”, and “the unity of humanity”.
    • New Delhi's Lotus Temple is a Baháʼí House of Worship.
  • Tags :
  • Iran
  • Lotus Temple

Places in News

Mauritania (Capital: Nouakchott)

  • India and Mauritania held their first Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) in Nouakchott.


  • Political features: 
    • Located in Northwest Africa, on the Atlantic coast.
    • Bordering Countries/Territories: Western Sahara territory (most of which is occupied by Morocco), Algeria, Mali, and Senegal.
    • Bordering water bodies: Atlantic Ocean


  • Geographical Features: 
    • Much of Mauritania encompasses part of the Sahara Desert.
    • Major river: Senegal River (forms its border with Senegal).
    • Topography include Inselbergs (isolated steep sided rock hills or small mountains), of which the highest is Mount Ijill.
    • Vegetation includes regions of Savanna and Sahel. 


  • Tags :
  • Mauritania
  • Africa
  • Sahara Desert
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