Government of India submits two applications for approval of plans of work for seabed exploration in the Indian Ocean | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Government of India submits two applications for approval of plans of work for seabed exploration in the Indian Ocean

Posted 27 Mar 2024

Updated 30 Mar 2024

2 min read

  • India has applied with International Seabed Authority for rights to explore two vast tracts in Indian Ocean seabed.
    • These rights are specific to areas that are part of open ocean, where no countries can claim sovereignty.


  • Applied regions are:
    • For exploration of polymetallic sulfides in Indian Ocean Ridge (Carlsberg Ridge), located in Central Indian Ocean.
    • For exploration of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crusts of Afanasy-Nikitin(AN) Seamount in Central Indian Ocean.


  • Currently, India holds two contracts for exploration in Indian Ocean. These are
    • For exploration for polymetallic nodules in Central Indian Ocean Basin.
      • Polymetallic nodules contain manganese, iron, nickel, copper, cobalt, and lead. These metals are of economic and strategic importance.
    • For exploration of polymetallic sulphides in Indian Ocean Ridge.


  • Seabed exploration outside of territorial limits are decided by United Nations Convention on Law of Sea (UNCLOS).
  • UNCLOS (adopted in 1982) lays down comprehensive regime of law and order in world's oceans and seas.


  • Bodies established under UNCLOS are: 
    • International Seabed Authority, 
    • International Tribunal for Law of the Sea and 
    • Commission on Limits of the Continental Shelf.


International Seabed Authority

  • Headquarter: Kingston, Jamaica
  • Autonomous international organization established under UNCLOS.
  • Members: 169 Members, including 168 Member States and European Union.
  • Functions:
    • Organize and control all mineral-resources-related activities in sea for benefit of humankind.
    • Protection of marine environment from harmful effects arising from deep-seabed-related activities.
  • Tags :
  • Indian Ocean
  • International Seabed Authority
  • Polymetallic nodules
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