Tmesipteris Oblanceolata | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 03 Jun 2024

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Tmesipteris Oblanceolata

News research shows that Tmesipteris oblanceolata, a species of fork fern, has largest genome.

  • Genome is the complete set of genetic information in an organism.

About Tmesipteris Oblanceolata

  • Contains 160 billion base pairs (the units that make up a strand of DNA) outstripping the human genome by more than 50 times.
  • It belongs to a primordial group of plants that evolved long before dinosaurs set foot on the earth.
  • Found only in New Caledonia and a few nearby islands in the Pacific Ocean and thrives on the trunks and branches of trees in rainforests.
  • Tags :
  • Tmesipteris oblanceolata
  • Genome


A recent study has proposed a sustainable approach of microbial methane oxidation system (called as biocover) to control fugitive methane emissions from old dumpsites. 

About Biocover

  • Biocovers are porous material layer laid directly on top of a landfill which is then covered by an oxidizing layer of mature compost.
  • It provides optimal conditions for methanotrophic (methane utilizing) bacteria to thrive and act as biofilters, hence control methane emissions by converting methane to CO2.
  • Potential applications: Road construction, land reclamation, etc.
  • Concerns: As they are found in old and deep dumpsites, they may be contaminated with heavy metals and microplastics.
  • Tags :
  • Methane Emission
  • Biocover
  • Solid Waste Management

Cellulose Decomposition

A study found that agriculture and urbanization are accelerating the decomposition of plant litter in rivers and streams. 

  • Plant litter are primarily cellulose. 


  • Cellulose is a polymeric polysaccharide made of glucose and is the primary structural component of plant cell walls
  • It is the most abundant 
    • extracellular structural polysaccharide 
    • biomolecule in the biosphere.

Cellulose decomposition

  • Cellulase enzymes hydrolyze cellulose into glucose, a sugar that can be fermented to ethanol or could also undergo cellular respiration to yield CO2 and water.
  • Thus, cattle and termites can digest cellulose as their gut harbours Cellulase-producing bacteria.
  • However, Cellulose cannot be digested by humans as their gut lacks cellulase enzyme 
  • Tags :
  • Cellulose Decomposition
  • Biomolecules
  • Cellulase

RBI’s Gold Reserve

In FY24, RBI moved 100 metric tonnes of gold from the U.K. to domestic vaults (at Mumbai and Nagpur). 

  • India's total gold holdings in FY24 reached 822 metric tonnes of which around 50% is stored locally. 
    • All banknotes issued by RBI are backed by assets such as gold, Government Securities and Foreign Currency Assets, as defined in Section 33 of the RBI Act, 1934. 
  • Storing gold abroad poses risks, especially during geopolitical tensions, as highlighted by the freezing of Russian assets by Western nations.
  • Tags :
  • RBI
  • Gold Reserve

Far-side of the moon

Chang'e-6 landing marks China's second descent on the far side of the moon

  • So far no other country has landed on that half of the moon. 
  • India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission landed on the South Pole of the Near Side of the Moon. 

Far side of the Moon

  • It refers to the hemisphere of the Moon that always faces away from Earth (hence also referred to as the dark side of the Moon).  
    • This happens as the Moon is tidally locked with Earth due to gravitational pull.
  • Soviet Union's Luna 3 spacecraft took the first photo of this side of the Moon
  • It has a thicker crust, more craters, and fewer lava plains than near side.
  • Tags :
  • Chandrayaan-3
  • Chang'e-6
  • Lunar Far-side

Sarus Crane

Some experts have highlighted that agricultural biodiversity plays a crucial role in the conservation of Sarus Crane.

  • Agrobiodiversity refers to the variety and variability of living organisms that are associated with cultivating crops and rearing animals within ecological complexes.

About Sarus Crane

  • It is the tallest flying bird in the world.
  • Distribution: Found in northern India, Southeast Asia, and northern Australia.
  • Habitat: Small seasonal marshes, floodplains, high-altitude wetlands, human-altered ponds, fallow and cultivated lands, and paddy fields.
  • Behavior: Social creature (found in pairs or small groups), mate for life with a single partner.
    • Its breeding season coincides with heavy rainfall in monsoon.
  • Conservation Status: 
    • IUCN:   Vulnerable
    • CITES:   Appendix II
    • Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I
  • Tags :
  • Sarus Crane
  • Agrobiodiversity
  • Conservation of Species

Multilateral Peace Operations

SIPRI published a topical backgrounder titled ‘Multilateral peace operations in 2023: Developments and trends’ on important developments related to multilateral peace operations during 2023.

Key Findings on Multilateral Peace Operations

  • The United Nations conducted the largest number of multilateral peace operations (20).
  • India was the highest contributor of military personnel for UN peacekeeping forces in 2023.
  • In 2023, 63 multilateral peace operations were active in 37 countries.
  • The largest deployment of peacekeeping forces was in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Tags :
  • UN Peacekeeping
  • Multilateral Peace Operations
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