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Posted 05 Jun 2024

Updated 11 Jun 2024

8 min read

Five Eyes Alliance

Australia decides to allow non-citizen residents from the Five Eyes Alliance to join its armed forces.

Five Eyes Alliance

  • It's a multilateral intelligence-sharing network between US, UK, Canada, Australia, & New Zealand. 
  • These partner countries share a broad range of intelligence with one another.
  • They have established Five Eyes Intelligence Oversight and Review Council to increase cooperation.
  • It includes the non-political intelligence oversight, review, and security entities of the Five Eyes countries. 
  • Tags :
  • Five eyes
  • Five Eyes Intelligence Oversight and Review Council

Preston Curve

It was first proposed by American sociologist Samuel H. Preston in 1975.  

  • It highlights that an increase in the per capita income of a country does not cause much of a rise in the life expectancy of its population beyond a point
    • When a poor country begins to grow, its per capita income rises and causes an increase in life expectancy initially due to nutrition, sanitation and access better healthcare.
    • However, it begins to flatten out after a certain point.
  • Tags :
  • Preston Curve
  • Per Capita Income
  • Life Expectancy

Depreciation of Rupee

Depreciation of Rupee means fall in the value of rupee  as compared to another currency due to market forces such as supply and demand

  • Reasons: Political instability, outflow of capital
  • Benefits: Boosts exports, discourages imports
  • Issues: May give rise to inflation, expose companies to foreign exchange risks.
  • Measures to control: RBI can Sell forex reserves, encourage capital flows in NRI deposits
  • Devaluation is the deliberate downward adjustment in the official exchange rate by reducing the currency's value
    • It is done either by the government or a central bank
  • Tags :
  • Rupee depreciation
  • Devaluation

FSSAI issues directives to Food Business Operators(FBOs)

FSSAI directs FBOs to remove claims of ‘100% fruit juice’ from labels and ads.

  • As per FSSAI,there is no provision of such claims as per Food Safety and Standards (Advertising and Claims) Regulations, 2018.
  • The directive  states that products must be labelled in accordance with the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2020. 
    • In the ingredient list, the word “reconstituted” must be mentioned against the name of the juice.
    • If added nutritive sweeteners exceed 15 gm/kg, product must be labelled as ‘Sweetened juice’.


  • Tags :
  • Labelling and Display

Lunar Sample

China's Chang’e-6 spacecraft takes off from the moon to bring back samples from the far side of the Moon.

Benefits of lunar sample

  • Useful information about the early history of the Moon and  the Earth.
  • Help in understanding  continued development of planetary bodies.
  • Help in understanding interaction of planetary surfaces with radiations and particles.

Challenges associated

  • Collection of samples from challenging locations on the moon.
  • Problems related to sample preservation and contamination.
  • Tags :
  • Chang'e-6
  • Lunar Far-side
  • Lunar Sample

Hydroxyurea and Sickle Cell Disease

Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) seeks to provide oral formulation of Hydroxyurea to treat sickle cell disease (SCD) in children.

About Hydroxyurea

  • It is in a class of medications called antimetabolites.
  • It treats sickle cell anemia by helping to prevent formation of sickle-shaped Red blood cells(RBCs).

About SCD

  • It’s a group of inherited disorders that changes the shapes of RBCs from round to a C-shaped farm tool called sickle.
  • India has the highest prevalence of SCD  in South Asia (over 20 million).
  • Tags :
  • Sickle Cell
  • Hydroxyurea
  • Red blood cells(RBCs)

Reverse transcription

Researchers found that when infected by viruses, bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniae) use Ribonucleic acid (RNA) to bind Reverse transcriptase.

About RT

  • They are RNA-dependent Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) polymerases, a group of enzymes that play a unique role in the flow of genetic information. 
  • These enzymes enable the reverse transcription reaction.
    • Reverse transcription is the synthesis of DNA from an RNA template.
  • Tags :
  • Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
  • Reverse transcription

Hawking Radiation

A research group found that Hawking radiation should be observable by existing telescopes.

About Hawking Radiation (HR)

  • It is named after the physicist Stephen Hawking, who hypothesized HR in 1974.
  • It has never been directly observed.
  • In the Universe pairs of particles come into existence only to rapidly recombine and disappear.
  • However, If one particle (of the pair of particles) crosses the event horizon (the outer edge of black holes) then it is forever separated from its companion.
    • The particles that are left outside the event horizon are called ‘Hawking radiation’.
  • Tags :
  • Black Hole
  • Hawking Radiation
  • Event Horizon
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