UNESCO Releases State of the Ocean Report (2024) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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UNESCO Releases State of the Ocean Report (2024)

Posted 07 Jun 2024

2 min read

The report, structured around the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2023), offers insights into ocean-related scientific activities describing the current and future state of the ocean. 

Key findings 

  • Warming: Ocean is now warming at twice the rate it was twenty years ago.
    • Ocean temperatures have increased by an average of 1.45°C, with hotspots above 2°C in the Mediterranean, Tropical Atlantic Ocean and Southern Oceans. 
  • Rising Seal level rise: Mostly due to accelerated ice mass loss from the Greenland and West Antarctica ice sheets, and to a lesser degree from accelerated ocean warming.
  • Acidification: Ocean absorbs around 25% of annual anthropogenic CO2This process reduces seawater pH (ocean acidification). 
    • Ocean acidification would increase by more than 100% by the end of the century
  • Deoxygenation: Ocean oxygen content is decreasing, resulting in worsening hypoxia. 
    • However, it is unclear whether deoxygenation is accelerating in response to ocean heat content increase. 
  • Coastal blue carbon ecosystems: Mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes provide refuge against a warmer, more acidic ocean, and are an important store of carbon. 
    • However, their protection is not guaranteed and 20–35% have been lost since 1970.

Key Recommendations

  • Marine spatial planning to help reduce the pressures on marine ecosystems. 
  • Greater global effort on increasing knowledge of the seafloor is required (75% of the ocean floor remains unmapped).
  • Better engage Indigenous peoples in marine policy and planning to transition to 'the ocean we need for the future we want'.
  • Building global ocean literacy where people universally appreciate and cherish the ocean’s vital role.
  • Tags :
  • UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2023)
  • Deoxygenation
  • Coastal blue carbon ecosystems
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