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Posted 18 Jun 2024

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Mercury Island

A documentary film on conservation of the Mercury Island was premiered in 18th Mumbai International Film Festival.

About Mercury Island

  • A small rocky island (in Atlantic Ocean) off the diamond coast of Namibia.
  • Recognised as Important Bird Areas (IBAs) by Bird Life International.
  • It is one of three important coastal seabird-breeding islands along the Coast. 

Note: New Zealand also has a group of islands named Mercury Islands

  • Tags :
  • Important Bird Area
  • Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA)
  • Mercury Island

Direct Seeding of Rice (DSR)

Punjab Government is actively promoting DSR technique.

About DSR (Tar Wattar Technique)

  • It is a modern rice cultivation technique where rice seeds are directly sown into the field, as opposed to traditional method of growing seedlings in a nursery, then transplanting into flooded fields. 
  • Significance: 
    • It enables faster planting and maturing of the crop as the need for transplanting is eliminated.
    • Reduces the water consumption and labour as compared to traditional transplantation method.
    • Effective in controlling stubble burning and also helps in reducing Methane emission.
  • Challenges: Weed management, Higher seed requirement, non-uniform crop establishment etc.
  • Tags :
  • Direct Seeding of Rice
  • Rice Cultivation
  • Tar Wattar Technique

EU’s Nature Restoration Plan (NRP)

European Union approves NRP, first of its kind.

  • It is a continent-wide and comprehensive law that forms part of the EU's European Green Deal ( aims for net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050). 

Key Features 

  • Aim: Contains binding restoration targets for long-term recovery of nature in EU’s land and sea areas.
    • It seeks to recover at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, and ultimately all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050.
  • Focus areas: Covers the existing legislation (for wetlands, forests​, grasslands, etc.), pollinating insects, forest ecosystem, etc.
  • Implementation: Through National Restoration Plans of the EU countries. 
  • Tags :
  • European Union
  • European Green Deal
  • Nature Restoration Plan (NRP)

Chenab Rail Bridge

First trial train run has been conducted on Chenab Rail Bridge in Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir. 

  • Bridge  is part of Udhampur Srinagar Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) project. 

Chenab Rail Bridge (Chenab Arch Bridge)

  • World’s highest railway bridge on the Himalayan ranges. 
    • 359 meters (around 109 feet) above the Chenab river, and 35 meters taller than Paris’ Eiffel Tower.
  • Can resist high-velocity winds up to 260 kmph, extreme temperatures, earthquakes, etc.

Chenab River (aka Chandrabhaga)

  • Formed by the confluence of the Chandra and Bhaga rivers in the Lahaul-Spiti, Himachal Pradesh.
  • Flows southwest into Pakistan, meeting Jhelum, Ravi and finally the Sutlej. 
  • Tags :
  • Railway Bridge
  • Chenab Arch Bridge
  • Chenab River

5G Intelligent Village and Quantum Encryption Algorithm

Department of Telecommunication has invited calls for proposals on 5G Intelligent Village and Quantum Encryption Algorithms to catalyze innovation in the telecom sector. 

  • These proposals shall be funded by Telecom Technology Development Fund (TTDF).

5G Intelligent Village Initiative

  • It aims to address critical pillars such as agriculture, education, healthcare, governance, and sustainability.
  • It responds to the pressing need for equitable technological advancement by harnessing the transformative power of 5G technology to uplift rural communities.

Quantum Encryption Algorithm (QEA)

  • It aims to develop India specific QEA that will represent a cutting-edge approach to securing digital communication channels by leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics. 
  • Tags :
  • Telecom Technology Development Fund
  • Quantum Communication
  • 5G Intelligent Village
  • Quantum Encryption Algorithm

Ultrasound Technology

Scientists have successfully mapped brain activity using Functional Ultrasound Imaging (fUSI).

  • fUSI is an emerging technique that offers sensitive, large-scale, high-resolution neural imaging.

About Ultrasound technology

  • It uses high-frequency (above 20 kHz) sound waves to view body’s internal organs.
  • It does not use any radiation, making it a safe and effective tool.
  • Working: Based on Piezoelectric effect (specific materials produce an electric charge proportional to applied mechanical stress).
  • Applications: Ultrasound imaging in diagnostic medicine, Ultrasound in underwater acoustics (Sonar), Non-destructive testing of various materials, Welding and Cleaning.
  • Tags :
  • Ultrasound
  • Piezoelectric effect
  • Brain Mapping


India plans large-scale bio-bitumen production from biomass and agricultural waste.

About Bitumen

  • A black substance produced through distillation of crude oil.
    • India currently imports about half of its annual requirement of bitumen. 
  • Also known as Asphalt
  • It is known for its adhesive properties
  • Applications: Paving roads, water proofing etc. 

About Bio-bitumen                             

  • A form of bitumen manufactured from organic elements. E.g. Bio-char, bio-oil, etc. 
  • It can be used as an addition to bitumen or to reduce the quantity of bitumen in the binder mixture.
  • Benefits: Reduced imports, address the issue of stubble burning, result in substantial savings on foreign exchange, boosting Bio-economy etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Bitumen
  • Road technology

Biological Hazards

International Labour Conference (ILC), annual meeting of International Labour Organization’s (ILO) member states, takes the first step towards international regulation of biological hazards at work.

About Biological Hazards (Biohazards)

  • Biohazards are of organic origin or conveyed by biological vectors, including pathogenic microorganisms (virus, bacteria. Fungi, etc.), toxins and bioactive substances. 
    • People working in healthcare, agriculture, and laboratory settings are at greatest risk.
  • Factors driving biohazards’ development are shifts in atmospheric and weather conditions, heat-related risks, and overuse of antimicrobials. 
  • Measures taken: ILO Conventions 155 and 187, and India’s Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2020.
  • Tags :
  • Occupational safety and health (OSH)
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Biohazard
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