Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)
Ministry of Labour and Employment initiated move to expand PMAY benefits to marginalised workers
- The Ministry has urged all State Governments to include migrant workers, building workers, beedi workers, non-coal mine workers, contract labourers, and other unorganised workers.
- The Ministry has also announced that the Management Information System (MIS) Portal for Building, Construction and Migrant workers is now fully operational.
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY)
- Aims to Provide Pucca house to All.
- PMAY extended for an additional five years, from the financial year 2024-25 to 2028-29, with the aim of providing two crore additional houses to eligible beneficiaries.
- Tags :
- Unorganized Workers
Oceanic Nino Index (ONI)
Recently, the impact of El Nino and La Nina on the Indian monsoon is being studied.
- ONI is a vital index to study the dynamics of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
About ONI
- It is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (US agency) primary indicator for monitoring ENSO.
- The ONI is the rolling 3-month average temperature difference in the surface waters of the east-central tropical Pacific, near the International Dateline.
- Index values of +0.5 or higher indicate El Niño. Values of -0.5 or lower indicate La Niña.
- Tags :
- La-Nina
- El Nino
- El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- Oceanic Nino Index
VISHANU YUDDH ABHYAS, a mock drill on Pandemic Preparedness conducted under National One Health Mission (NOHM).
- NOHM emphases on the "One Health" approach, aims to achieve integrated disease control and pandemic preparedness
Vishanu Yuddh Abhyas (Virus War Exercise)
- Purpose: To assess the readiness and response of the National Joint Outbreak Response Team (NJORT) involving experts from human health, animal husbandry, and wildlife sectors.
- A mock zoonotic disease outbreak scenario was created to simulate a real-world outbreak.
- Stakeholders: Involved multiple national and state agencies including ICMR, AIIMS Jodhpur BSL-3 Lab, state administrations etc.
- Tags :
- Vishanu Yuddh Abhyas
- National One Health Mission
Articles Sources
SCOMET List (Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment, and Technologies)
DGFT (Ministry of Commerce & Industry) authorized the Department of Defence Production (MoD), to be the licensing authority for export of all items falling under Category 6 of SCOMET for military end use.
- National Export Control List of dual use items munitions and nuclear related items, including software and technology.
- Aligned to all the multilateral export control regimes such as Missile Technology Control Regime, Wassenaar Arrangement, Australia Group, etc.
- Has 9 categories (0 to 8).
- Notified by DGFT under Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items.
- Regulated under of Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992.
- Policy and procedures under SCOMET are outlined Foreign Trade Policy 2023.
- Tags :
- Dual-use Goods
- Foreign Trade Policy 2023
- ITC (HS) Classification
Articles Sources
National Test House (NTH)
NTH signed MoU with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency to promote energy efficiency in India.
About NTH
- A premier institution under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution.
- Established as the Government Test House in 1912.
- India’s largest multi-location multidisciplinary testing laboratory under the Central Government.
- Deals with testing, calibration and quality evaluation related to industry, commerce, trade etc. as per international and national standards.
- Provides assistance to the National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL).
- First Government Body to Certify Drones in India.
- Tags :
- National Test House
- Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution
Articles Sources
Gross Fixed Capital Formation
Recently, World Bank projected a decline in Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) in Indian Economy for FY25.
About GFCF
- Also called ‘investment’, it is defined as acquisition of produced assets (including purchases of second-hand assets), including production of such assets by producers for their own use, minus disposals. (OECD)
- "Produced assets" means only those assets that come into existence as a result of a production process. It, therefore, does not include, for example, the purchase of land and natural resources.
- It includes assets intended for use in production of other goods and services for a period of more than a year.
- E.g., Land improvements (fences, ditches, drains, and so on); plant, machinery, and equipment purchases; construction of roads, railways, etc.
- Tags :
- Investment
Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology (CMLRE), an attached office of the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences, has developed Ocean Eyes mobile application.
- It is a community-engagement approach to data collection in marine biodiversity monitoring.
- It is aligned with the objective of IndOBIS (Indian Ocean Biodiversity Information System).
About IndOBIS
- IndOBIS is the Indian regional node of the global Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS).
- It is being run by CMLRE, Kochi.
- OBIS emanated from the Census of Marine Life (2000-2010).
- Adopted as a project under IOC-UNESCO’s International Oceanographic Data and Information (IODE) programme in 2009.
- Provides free and open access to, and application of, biodiversity and biogeographic data and information on marine life.
- Tags :
- Census of Marine Life (2000-2010)
- Ocean Biodiversity Information System
Articles Sources
Exercise Varuna
Indian Navy's P8I Poseidon Aircraft is on 1st ever deployment In Europe to participate in 2024 edition of ‘Exercise Varuna’.
- P8I Poseidon is a maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft developed and produced by United States' Boeing Defense.
- P8I is a variant of the P-8 Poseidon specially designed for the Indian Navy.
About Exercise Varuna
- It is bilateral naval exercise between India and France.
- 2024 edition will be conducted in Mediterranean Sea.
- Tags :
- Exercise Varuna