By signing this treaty, India reaffirms its commitment to foster inclusive growth and strengthening its intellectual property (IP) ecosystem.
- After nearly two decades of negotiations, member states of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have adopted the landmark DLT.
- Design is a category of IP consisting of a product’s ornamental aspect.
Key provisions of DLT
- Allows applicants to include several designs in a single application, under certain conditions.
- Set out requirements for granting of a filing date as postponing filing date can result in loss of rights.
- Allows applicants to keep the design unpublished for at least six months after having secured a filing date.
- Provides a grace period of 12 months following a first disclosure of design, during which such disclosure will not affect its validity for registration.
- Introduction of e-filing systems for design and electronic exchange of priority documents.
Significance of DLT
- Empowers startups and SMEs by protecting their designs globally, improving their competitiveness and growth.
- Makes procedures more predictable, less complex and more affordable.
- Integrates design protection with traditional knowledge and cultural expressions, thus enhancing their protection.
- By standardizing procedural requirements, DLT streamlines application process across countries, reduces administrative burdens, thereby promoting global creativity in design.
About Intellectual Property
About WIPO (HQ: Geneva, Switzerland)