Forest fire observed in several parts of Uttarakhand | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Forest fire observed in several parts of Uttarakhand

Posted 30 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • In some regions of Uttarakhand, fires were doused with the help of a Bambi bucket, a specialised aerial fire-fighting tool used to pour water in targeted areas.


  • About Forest Fire
    • Any uncontrolled and non-prescribed burning of plants in a natural setting such as a forest, grassland, which consumes natural fuels and spreads based on environmental conditions (e.g., wind, topography).
    • As per India State of Forest Report 2021,
      • Odisha reported highest forest fires between November 2020 and June 2021, followed by Madhya Pradesh. 
      • More than 36% of country’s forest cover has been estimated to be prone to frequent forest fires.


  • Causes of forest fires
    • Natural factors: Lightning strike, increased temperature and dryness, friction created by rubbing of branches etc.
    • Man-made factors: Spark from cigarette, carelessly setting farmlands on fire, etc.


  • Impact of forest fire 
    • Deforestation, loss of biodiversity and wildlife habitat, soil erosion affecting productivity of soils etc.


  • Steps taken to protect forest fires
    • National Action Plan on Forest Fires, 2018.
    • Forest Survey of India Van Agni Geo-portal for single point of information on forest fire.
    • Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 prohibits setting fire in wildlife sanctuaries.


How Forest fires can be prevented?

  • Construction of watch towers for early detection.
  • Involvement of local communities, and creation and maintenance of fire-lines.
    • Two types of fire lines are in practice. 
      • In Kaccha fire-lines, undergrowth and shrubs are removed while trees are retained to decrease fuel load.
      • Pucca fire-lines are clear felled areas separating a forest/compartment/block from another to control spread of potential fires.
  • Tags :
  • Forest Fire
  • Bambi bucket
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