Spices Board India (SBI) mandates Ethylene Oxide (ETO) testing for spice shipments to Singapore, Hong Kong | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Spices Board India (SBI) mandates Ethylene Oxide (ETO) testing for spice shipments to Singapore, Hong Kong

Posted 04 May 2024

2 min read

  • Decision follows the suspension of sales of certain spice blends by Singapore and Hong Kong due to elevated levels of ETO.
    • ETO is a flammable,  colorless gas at room temperature.
    • ETO serves as a disinfectant, fumigant, but its usage in food products is regulated due to its cancer-causing nature.


  • Spices Industry of India
    • India is the world’s largest producer, consumer and exporter of spices.
    • During 2022-23, the export of spices stood at US$ 3.73 billion (major export destination were china, USA, and Bangladesh)
    • India produces about 75 of the 109 varieties of spices which are listed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 
      • Chilli, cumin, turmeric, ginger and coriander makeup about 76% of the total production.
    • The largest spice-producing states are Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, etc.
  • Challenges associated with the spices industry:  Low Productivity and Poor Product Quality, disappearance of some indigenous varieties, Rejection of Export due to pesticide residues beyond tolerable limits, etc.


  • Initiatives to promote exports
    • Guidelines on preventing ETO contamination in Spices Exports by SBI.
    • Export Development and Promotion of Spices.
    • Setting up and maintenance of infrastructure for common processing (Spices Parks).


About Spices Board India

  • Genesis: Constituted in 1987 under the Spices Board act 1986.
  • Headquarter: Cochin, Kerala.
  • Role: Autonomous body responsible for the export promotion of the 52 scheduled spices  and development of Cardamom.
  • India hosts and chairs Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary herbs (CCSCH) set up under Codex Alimentarius Committee.
    • SBI serves as its secretariat.
  • Ministry: Ministry of Commerce and Industry.


  • Tags :
  • Spices Board India
  • Spices Industry
  • Spices Parks
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