National Green Tribunal (NGT) stated that Ganga River is facing floodplain encroachment | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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National Green Tribunal (NGT) stated that Ganga River is facing floodplain encroachment

Posted 04 May 2024

2 min read

  • In 2017, NGT declared an area of 100 metres from edge of Ganga between Haridwar and Unnao as a “No Development Zone” to abate encroachment and pollution of river Ganga.
    • Order directed state government to demarcate floodplains and identify permissible and non-permissible activities.


  • Floodplain zoning
    • It is recognized as an effective non-structural measure for flood management. 
    • It aims at demarcating zones or areas likely to be affected by floods.
    • It specifies permissible developments in demarcating zones in order to minimize damage by flood.
  • However, many States have reservations on implementing floodplain zoning due to high population density, non-availability of sufficient land for relocating people occupying floodplains, etc.


  • Steps for floodplain zoning
    • Model Bill for Flood Plain Zoning 1975: Envisages zoning of floodplain of a river according to flood frequencies.
      • Manipur, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and erstwhile State of Jammu & Kashmir had enacted the legislation.
    • National Mission for Clean Ganga: Advised all states in Ganga basin for demarcation of river floodplains and removal of encroachment from floodplain of river Ganga and its tributaries.

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Guidelines related to Construction in Floodplains 

  • Flooding once in 100 years: Preferences should be given to Defence installations, public utilities like hospitals, electricity installations, water supply etc.
  • Flooding once in 25 years: Public institutions, government offices, universities, residential areas etc. should be constructed on columns or stilts.
  • Flooding once in 10 years: Reserved for green areas like parks, gardens.
  • Tags :
  • Floodplain Zoning
  • NDMA Guidelines for Flooplains
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