Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming (CRCF) Regulation in European Union (EU) | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Carbon Removals and Carbon Farming (CRCF) Regulation in European Union (EU)

Posted 07 May 2024

2 min read

  • European Parliament and the European Council recently reached a provisional agreement on a regulation to establish the first EU-level Carbon Removal Certification Framework.
    • This certification framework will boost innovative carbon removal technologies and carbon farming.
    • It establishes quality criteria standards and outlines monitoring and reporting processes to prevent greenwashing.
      • Greenwashing is a term used where a company makes false or misleading statements that their products/services are more sustainable than they are in reality. 


About Carbon Farming

  • It uses regenerative practices to improve agriculture, restore ecosystems, and combat climate change by storing carbon and reducing emissions.
  • Common Methods: Agroforestry, conservation farming (minimising soil disturbance), integrated nutrient management, Renewable Energy Production Grasslands Conservation, etc.


Potential Benefits

  • Carbon Sequestration: Studies have shown agricultural soils can absorb 3-8 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent every year.
    •  This capacity can bridge the gap between feasible emissions reductions and the indispensable stabilisation of the climate.
  • Promoting Farmers Income: Carbon credit systems can incentivise farmers by providing additional income through environmental services.
  • Challenges: Inadequate policy support, lack of resources to invest in sustainable land management practices by small land holding farmers etc.


Key Initiatives Facilitating Carbon Farming

  • Global
    • 4 per 1000 Initiative: encourages stakeholders to engage in a transition towards a regenerative, productive and highly resilient agriculture.
      • It was launched during the UNFCCC COP21 (2015) in Paris. 
    • World Bank-supported initiatives:  E.g. Kenya’s Agricultural Carbon Project. 
  • India
    • Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS): Launched by the Ministry of Power for trading of carbon credits among obligated entities.
    • National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture: Promote agroforestry, micro irrigation, crop diversification, etc. by the government of India, to encourage farmers to be part of the carbon trading in agriculture.
  • Tags :
  • Carbon Farming
  • European Union
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