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Personality in News

Posted 15 May 2024

1 min read

Freedom fighter and renowned writer Arun Chandra Guha was remembered on his birth anniversary.

About Arun Chandra Guha (1892-1983)

  • Born in Barisal (East Bengal).
  • He was a member of the Constituent Assembly and, since 1946, was a Member of Parliament till the third Lok Sabha (1963).

Key Contributions

  • Started taking interest in politics during the Swadeshi movement of 1905.
  • After 1910, he took an active part as a member of the Jugantar Party, a secret revolutionary society.
  • Published Bengali and English journals, Mandira and Forward, respectively.
  • Subscribed to Jatindranath Mukhopadhyay, alias Bagha Jatin’s Zimmermann plan.
  • Literary works: Shristi Sabhyata, First Spark of Revolution, etc.


  • Patriotism, Courage, Leadership, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Arun Chandra Guha
  • Jugantar Party
  • Zimmermann plan
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