Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024 | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 16 May 2024

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Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024

Report was released by Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC). 

  • Internally displaced people (IDPs) refers to people forced to flee their homes, however, unlike refugees, they remain within their own country

Key findings:

  • 75.9 million people were IDPs globally as of the end of 2023 (71.1 million in 2022).
  • 68.3 million people were IDP due to conflict and violence
    • Sudan, Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Colombia and Yemen host nearly half of such IDPs. 
    • in South Asia, Manipur has major contribution to such IDPs
  • Most of the disasters linked to internal displacement happened in China and Türkiye due to severe weather and high-magnitude earthquakes.
  • Tags :
  • Global Report on Internal Displacement 2024
  • Internally displaced people (IDPs)

Soil Nailing

Tamil Nadu is using Soil Nailing to ensure the stabilization of slopes around the Nilgiris’ major roads 

Soil Nailing 

  • It is a geotechnical engineering technique that involves the insertion of reinforcing elements into the soil in a specified area to strengthen it.
  • This is followed by ‘hydroseeding’ – a process of applying a mixture of seeds, fertilizer, organic materials and water onto the soil. 
    • It facilitates the growth of grass and plant life, that will help hold the topsoil together and prevent erosion.
  • Tags :
  • Landslide
  • Soil Erosion
  • Soil Nailing
  • hydroseeding

Kanwar lake

Condition of the Kanwar Lake has been deteriorating. 

About Kanwar Lake (also known as Kabartal Wetland or Jheel)

  • Located in Begusarai district, Bihar, it is a freshwater natural wetland.
  • Draws water from confluence of Gandak, Bia and Kareh river.
  • Bihar’s first Ramsar site recognised as wetland of international importance in 2020.
  • Important stopover along Central Asian Flyway. 
  • Important species: Red-headed vulture, white-rumped vulture and Indian vulture.
  • Importance: Acts as a sink for sediments, Habitat for several migratory species, provide livelihood opportunities, Supports lifecycle of fish or amphibians etc.
  • Threat: Water management activities like drainage, water abstraction, damming and canalization.
  • Tags :
  • Kanwar lake
  • Ramsar Site

Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ)

Supreme Court has halted all mining activities within a 1-Km radius of the Sariska Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan enforcing its 2023 order. 

2023 order of SC on ESZ: 

  • SC revised its 2022 directive that directed states to establish a mandatory 1 Km ESZ around protected forests. 
  • SC said that ESZs cannot be the same for all the protected forests and may vary case by case. However, it prohibited any mining activities within a 1-Km radius of such protected areas. 


  • ESZs are ecologically fragile areas around protected areas (PAs) designated so under the Environment Protection Act (EPA), 1986. 
  • They are created to minimize the negative impact of development activities on the fragile ecosystem of PAs.
  • Tags :
  • Tiger reserves
  • Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ)
  • Environment Protection Act (EPA), 1986

Sangam: Digital Twin  Initiative

Ministry of Communications has unveiled Stage-I Participants for “Sangam Initiative: A Leap Towards AI-Driven Infrastructure Transformation”.

About Sangam: Digital Twin  Initiative

  • It is a Proof of Concept focused on revolutionizing the planning & design of infrastructure by leveraging digital twin technology to create precise, dynamic models of physical environments.
  • It combines the ability of 5G, IoT, AI, Digital Twin and next-generation computational technologies.
    • Digital twin is a virtual representation of an object or system designed to reflect a physical object accurately.
  • It enhances the efficiency and accuracy of infrastructure projects.
  • Tags :
  • Digital Twin
  • Sangam: Digital Twin  Initiative

Project BHISHM

Indian Air Force tested BHISHM portable cubes, a state-of the-art indigenous mobile hospital, at Agra for airdrops.

About BHISHM Portable Cubes

  • These are a part of initiative named Project BHISHM (Bharat Health Initiative for Sahyog, Hita and Maitri), designed to treat up to 200 casualties.
  • Consists of 72 small cubes equipped with advanced medical equipment which are Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tagged.
  • Integrates Artificial Intelligence and data analytics to facilitate effective coordination, real-time monitoring of medical services in field.
  • These cubes are robust, waterproof, and light, designed for various configurations, making them ideal for diverse emergency scenarios
  • Tags :
  • Project BHISHM
  • BHISHM portable cubes
  • Indigenous Mobile Hospital


IN-SPACe has been honoured with the Leadership Award for “Public Policy: Enabling Industry Development” by the Geospatial World Forum (GWF).  

  • GWF is an interactive platform of the global geospatial community.


  • Headquarters: Ahmedabad(Gujarat)
  • Genesis: Establishment in 2020 as a part of space sector reform. 
  • Nodal department: An autonomous agency in the Department of Space (DOS).
  • Aim: To facilitate the participation of private players in India’s space sector. 
  • Key roles: 
    • Enable and nurture non-government entities (NGEs) to accomplish their ventures in space sector and supervise their activities. 
    • Authorize space operations and services in the country through well-defined framework.
  • Tags :
  • IN-SPACe
  • Geospatial World Forum (GWF


Scientists have developed an affordable sensor for detecting and measuring lead concentrations in water.

About Lead 

  • It is a naturally occurring toxic metal found in Earth’s crust.
  • Lead in the body is distributed to the brain, liver, kidney and bonesIt is stored in the teeth and bones, where it can accumulate over time.
  • It is poor conductor of heat and do not react with water. 
  • Sources of lead exposure: Mining and smelting, recycling of electronic waste and lead-acid batteries, plumbing, toys, lead paint etc.
  • Lead exposure causes damage to child’s brain and nervous system, anaemia, hypertension, toxicity to reproductive organs etc.
  • Tags :
  • Lead Poisoning
  • Lead
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