Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) calls for steps against Transnational Organised Crimes | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) calls for steps against Transnational Organised Crimes

Posted 20 May 2024

2 min read

At the recently concluded 33rd Session of the CCPCJ the heads of the FATF, INTERPOL, and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) called for disincentivizing criminal activity through targeting illicit profits and enhance effectiveness of crime prevention efforts.

Key outcomes of the Session

  • Adopted four thematic resolutions:
    • Countering trafficking in persons in the context of rapid technological change;
    • Treatment of children associated with terrorist groups;
    • Reducing reoffending through rehabilitation and reintegration; and
    • Preventing and countering violence against children by organized criminal groups and terrorist groups.
  • Launched the Generation Justice (GenJust) initiative.
    • It aims to engage youth from across the globe in shaping the international agenda on crime prevention and criminal justice.

About Transnational Organized Crimes (TnOCs)

  • Organized crimes are illegal activities, conducted by groups or networks acting in concert, by engaging in violence, corruption or related activities in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or material benefit.
    • TnOCs occur when these activities, or these groups or networks, operate in two or more countries. e.g., Drug trafficking, human trafficking, smuggling of migrants, etc.

About CCPJ

  • Genesis: Established by UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) resolution in 1992 
  • Functions: Principal policy making body of the UN in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice.
  • Membership: 40 member states elected by ECOSOC and is chaired by a Bureau.
  • Tags :
  • Transnational Organized Crimes
  • GenJust Initiative
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