World Bank released report titled ‘Water For Shared Prosperity’ | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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World Bank released report titled ‘Water For Shared Prosperity’

Posted 21 May 2024

2 min read

  • Report was released at 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia
  • World Bank defines Shared prosperity as boosting prosperity, particularly for poorest, to achieve more equitable societies.

Key Findings

  • Four interconnected building blocks of prosperity: Health and Education (human capital), Jobs and Income, Peace and Social cohesion (social capital), and Environment (natural capital). 
  • Population growth, urbanization, and climate change are causing disparity in global water access.
    • In 2022, 197 million people lacked safe drinking water, and 211 million lacked basic sanitation.
    • Globally, about 450 million people live in high-poverty and low-water-access hotspots.
    • In low-income countries, access to water services is available in less than half of schools.
      • Inadequate and unsafe water affects early childhood development.
    • Climate change leads to extreme weather events like floods, droughts, further disrupting children’s learning leading to school dropouts, damaging crops, increasing conflicts etc.

Recommendations for inclusive water security

  • Improve resilience to extreme hydro-climatic risks by setting up early warning systems.
  • Improve water resources development and allocation by integrating nature-based solutions and adopt water accounting method.
  • Safely managed water supply and sanitation by reforming water information systems to target pro-poor.



World Water Forum

  • It is held every three yearsand Co-hosted by World Water Council and a host country.
  • Objectives: Raise importance of water on political agenda; Support discussions towards resolution of international water issues; etc.
  • Tags :
  • World Water Forum
  • Water For Shared Prosperity
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