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Posted 13 Jun 2024

8 min read

Atomic clock

New portable Atomic clock offers very accurate timekeeping at sea.

Working of atomic clock

  • It measures time using the vibrations of atoms.
  • It contains an element like cesium or calcium and a source of microwave radiation.
  • When excited by a microwave, the electron of the element can get excited to a higher, excited state.
  • By observing the characteristic of frequency at which the transition takes place,time can be measured accurately.
    • Frequency refers to the number of waves that cross a particular point in time in one unit of time. 
  • Tags :
  • Atomic clock
  • Frequency

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide emissions grew 40% in last four decades, China, India largest emitters: Study

Nitrous oxide

  • Odorless, colorless, non-flammable gas that supports combustion and occurs naturally in the environment
  • Causes euphoria, hence nicknamed 'laughing gas'.
  • Used for anesthesia and other therapeutic benefits.
  • It has a Global-warming potential 273 times that of CO2 for a 100-year timescale.
  • Emission source: Agricultural emissions (fertilizers), vehicular gas emissions, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Nitrous oxide
  • laughing gas
  • Global-warming potential

Greater Adjutant Stork

Due to rapid urbanisation in Assam is affecting Greater Adjutant stork survival.

About Greater Adjutant Stork 

  • Habitat: Mostly breed in Brahmaputra Valley of Assam.
  • Characteristics
    • They are omnivorous and primarily scavengers of large carrion.
    • The name adjutant comes from their distinctive, military style walking.
    • They are known to be monogamous.
  • Both male and female participate in nest building.
  • They lack vocal muscles and rely on unique behaviour and tactile form of communication.
  • IUCN status: Near Threatened.
  • Threats: Habitat loss, disturbance of its breeding and feeding sites, Hunting of adults, etc. 
  • Tags :
  • Greater Adjutant Stork
  • Brahmaputra Valley

Financial Intelligence Unit - India (FIU-IND)

Recently FIU fined Axis Bank for failing to detect suspicious transactions carried out in the name of counter-terrorist commando force National Security Guard.


  • Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Finance
    • FIU-IND reports directly to the Economic Intelligence Council headed by the Finance Minister. 
  • Genesis: Set up by the Government of India in 2004
  • Mandate: 
    • Central national agency responsible for receiving, processing, analyzing, and disseminating information about suspected financial transactions.
    • Coordinates with national and international intelligence agencies in pursuing global efforts against money laundering and financing of terrorism.
  • Tags :
  • Money Laundering
  • FIU
  • Economic Intelligence Council
  • Financial Intelligence Unit - India (FIU-IND)

Sea Cucumbers

As per a new research, repopulating Sea Cucumbers can help in recovery of coral reefs.

About Sea cucumbers

  • Belong to the animal group called echinoderms, which also contains starfish and sea urchins.
  • Are known as janitors of tropical seas as they consume decomposing organic matter and convert it into recyclable nutrients and buffers the ocean's acidification.
  • It exhibits sexual and asexual reproduction.
  • Protected under Schedule I of Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
  • Threats: illegal harvest, trade and trafficking.


  • Tags :
  • Sea Cucumbers

New Craters on Mars

Three craters have been discovered on Mars by Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad.

  • They have been discovered in the Tharsis volcanic region on Mars.
  • On PRL recommendation, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature has approved naming of these craters.
  • They are named as Lal crater, Mursan crater and hilsa crater.

About IAU

  • Founded in 1919, it serves as the international authority for assigning designations to celestial bodies and surface features on them.
  • Tags :
  • Mars
  • Craters on Mars
  • IAU
  • PRL

Mercy Petition

President has rejected the mercy petition of a Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist sentenced to death for the December 2000 Red Fort attack. 

Constitutional provision related to President's power on mercy petition

  •  Article 72 empowers the President of India to grant pardons, reprieves, respites, suspend, remit, or commute the sentence of a person convicted of any offense where the sentence is
    • by a court Martial;
    • for an offence against any law relating to a matter to which executive power of Union extends;
    • a sentence of death
  • Tags :
  • President
  • Article 72
  • Mercy Petition
  • Article 161

Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF)

Prime Minister announced ex-gratia relief to the families of the deceased in a fire tragedy in Kuwait from PMNRF. 


  • Genesis: Established in 1948 to assist displaced persons from Pakistan.
  • Usage: Now, it is utilized to render immediate relief to families of those killed in natural calamities like floods, cyclones, earthquakes, etc.
    • Assistance is also rendered for medical treatment.
  • Source of funding: Funded entirely with public contributions and does not get any budgetary support.
    • It accepts voluntary contributions from Individuals, Organizations, Trusts, Companies and Institutions etc.
  • Tax benefit to contribution:  All contributions towards PMNRF are exempt from Income Tax. 
  • Tags :
  • Kuwait
  • Prime Minister's National Relief Fund
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