Kerala celebrates Kozhikode’s recognition as India's first UNESCO 'City of Literature' | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Kerala celebrates Kozhikode’s recognition as India's first UNESCO 'City of Literature'

Posted 24 Jun 2024

2 min read

Kerala also announced that June 23 will be celebrated annually as 'City of Literature' Day in Kozhikode. 

  • In October 2023, UNESCO announced Kozhikode as India's first UNESCO 'City of Literature' and placed it under the literary category of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN).

About Kozhikode

  • Location: Kozhikode or Calicut is located on the Malabar coast.
    • The term "calico," a fine hand-woven cotton cloth, is believed to be derived from Calicut.
  • History:
    • Ruler: In the medieval Age, it was ruled by the Samoothiris (Zamorins). 
    • City of Spices: Traded in spices like black pepper and cardamom with Jews, Arabs, Phoenicians, and Chinese for more than 500 years.
    • Foreign travellers: 
      • Ibn Battuta (author of Rihla) visited the city in the 14th Century. 
      • Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama and Persian ambassador Abdur Razzaq visited the city in the fifteenth century. 
  • Contemporary significance:
    • It has a robust literary foundation with over 500 libraries and more than 70 publishers
    • It also boasts a high level of literary education.
    • In 2012 it was given the tag of “City of Sculptures” (Shilpa Nagaram) because of the various architectural sculptures located in various parts of the city.

About UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN)

  • Genesis: Established in 2004 to promote cooperation with and among cities that have identified creativity as a strategic factor for sustainable urban development.
  • Cities covered: 350 cities around the world make up this network spanning
  • Seven creative fields covered: Crafts and Folk Art, Design, Film, Gastronomy, Literature, Media Arts, and Music.
  • Significance: The UCCN tag gives global recognition and boosts tourism.
  • Other Indian cities on UCCN: 
    • Music: Gwalior, Chennai, Varanasi
    • Film: Mumbai
    • Gastronomy: Hyderabad
    • Crafts and Folk Art: Jaipur and Srinagar



  • Tags :
  • UNESCO Creative Cities Network
  • Kozhikode
  • City of Literature
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