The price of inaction: The global private, fiscal and social costs of children and youth not learning Report Released | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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The price of inaction: The global private, fiscal and social costs of children and youth not learning Report Released

Posted 25 Jun 2024

2 min read

Report is prepared by UNESCO in collaboration with OECD and the Commonwealth Secretariat.

  • It analysed the economic and societal cost of educational deficiencies for the first time.

Key Findings

  • Out-of-school children and educational gaps cost the global economy $10,000 billion annually.
    • Around 250 million children and young people globally remain out of school despite decades of effort.
  • 57 % of the world’s children have not gained basic skill levels.
  • Each year of secondary education reduces the risk of girls marrying and having a child before age 18.
    • Female early school leavers are linked to a 59% increase in early pregnancies. 
  • Reducing early school leavers or those without basic skills by 10% could boost annual GDP growth by 1 to 2% points.


  • Improve school infrastructure, including providing single-sex water and sanitation facilities, reducing class sizes, etc. 
    • Report highlighted that in India, construction of toilets decreased girls’ dropout rate by 12% points and that of boys by 11% points. 
  • Promoting health and mental well-being of students through comprehensive sexuality education.
  • Promoting vocational education and training that meets labour market needs and addresses gender barriers to participation. 

Key Initiatives taken to reduce Educational Deficiencies


  • Education was declared a "universal human right" in 1948
  • SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all" etc. 


  • Right To Education Act 2009
  • Samagra Shiksha Programme, 2019
  • National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) 
  • Other: PM Schools for Rising India (PM SHRI), 2022, PM-POSHAN Scheme (earlier known as Mid-Day Meal Scheme) etc. 
  • Tags :
  • out of school
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