New World Soil Health Index announced by UNESCO at International conference on Soils held in Morocco | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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New World Soil Health Index announced by UNESCO at International conference on Soils held in Morocco

Posted 03 Jul 2024

2 min read

Index will standardise measure for analysing and comparing soil quality in different regions and ecosystems, and identify trends of degradation or improvement.

  • Additionally, UNESCO will launch a pilot program for sustainable management of soils and landscapes in ten natural sites under its Biosphere Reserves program.
    • Its goal will be to assess effectiveness of management methods used on these sites and ensure that best practices are developed and implemented in other parts of the world. 

Soil Degradation

  • About: It is defined as change in soil health, resulting in diminished capacity of ecosystem to provide goods and services to its beneficiaries.
  • Status: 75% of land is already degraded, directly impacting 3.2 billion people (World Atlas of Desertification). This will rise to 90% by 2050.
    • In India, about 32% of land is under degradation and 25% is undergoing desertification
  • Causes: Deforestation, Unsustainable Agricultural Practices, Industrial Pollution, Natural (wind and water) erosion etc.

Impact of Soil Degradation

  • Reduced soil fertility leading to decreased plant growth and agriculture output.
  • Releases stored carbon, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.
  • Decrease in soil organisms that contribute to nutrient cycling, pest control, and plant health.

Initiatives taken to prevent Soil Degradation


  • Land Degradation Neutrality under UNCCD.
  • Bonn Challenge to restore 350 million hectares degraded and deforested landscapes by 2030.
  • Global Soil Partnership Action Plan 2022-2030 by FAO.


  • Soil Health Card Scheme.
  • National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture.
  • Organic Farming Initiatives like Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana.
  • Tags :
  • Land Degradation
  • World Soil Health Index
  • Bonn Challenge
  • Soil Degradation
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