At the 24th Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO), the world’s largest regional security body UN Chief said that the SCO has the power and the responsibility to push for peace in Afghanistan.
- He also highlighted that deep global divisions and conflicts must end to clear a path to tackling world’s two existential threats (climate change and the unchecked rise of digital technologies, particularly AI).
- These global challenges cannot be solved on a country-by-country basis; hence, regional multilateralism is essential.
Regional Bloc’s or Organisation’s role in resolving conflicts is facilitated by factors such as Geographical proximity, Cultural affinity, etc.
- Major region blocks include European Union, ASEAN, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) etc.
Role in Resolving Conflicts and Addressing Existential Threats
- Preventive Diplomacy: Aimed at preventing existing disputes from escalating into conflicts E.g., Conflict Prevention Centre of Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
- Mediation and Negotiation: ASEAN mediated conflicts successfully between member states. E.g., Thai-Cambodian border dispute in 2011.
- Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Assist in rebuilding post-conflict societies. E.g. EU’s role in the Western Balkans.
- Addressing Existential Threats
- EU has enacted Net-Zero Industry Act and EU Artificial Intelligence Act.
Challenges faced by Regional blocs in Resolving Crisis