Bretton Woods Conference celebrates its 80th Anniversary | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Bretton Woods Conference celebrates its 80th Anniversary

Posted 04 Jul 2024

2 min read

The Bretton Woods Conference, officially known as the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference was organised in 1944 at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire (USA).

About Bretton Woods Conference

  • Purpose: To agree upon a series of new rules for the post-World War II international monetary system.
    • Delegates from 44 nations participated in it.
  • Key Outcomes: 
    • Creation of the Bretton Woods Institutions: International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), now referred as World Bank (WB).
    • Fixed exchange rate regime: Each member country was to set a fixed value the par value -of its currency in terms of gold or US dollar.
      • However, after the crisis of dollar exchange crises of 1971 (when USA suspended the dollar's convertibility into gold) and 1973, floating exchange rates was promoted
    • Promotion of Free Trade: To ensues international prosperity and international peace.

Comparison of Bretton Woods Institutions



World Bank

  • Promotes global macroeconomic and financial stability.
  • Also provides short- and medium-term loans to help countries that are experiencing balance of payments problems.
  • Promotes long-term economic development and poverty reduction by providing technical and financial support to help countries implement reforms or projects, such as building schools, etc.


Membership and Headquarter 
  • 190 Countries    
  • Both organisation have their headquarter in Washington, D.C (USA)
  • 189 Countries (India is member of both the organisations)
    • However, India is not member WB’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
  • Countries must first join the IMF to be eligible to join the World Bank Group.
  • Tags :
  • World Bank
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • Bretton Woods Conference
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