China has made world’s first high-temperature superconducting Tokamak device - ‘HH70’ | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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China has made world’s first high-temperature superconducting Tokamak device - ‘HH70’

Posted 08 Jul 2024

2 min read

Previously, the EU and Japan inaugurated JT-60SA, the world's largest and most advanced Tokamak fusion reactor in Japan and pledged support to advance fusion research for International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER).

  • Tokamak is a machine for controlled thermonuclear fusion with a toroidal shape, similar to a doughnut.

About Nuclear Fusion

  • A process by which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a single heavier one while releasing massive amounts of energy. 
    • In nuclear fission, on the other hand, large atomic nuclei are split into smaller atomic nuclei to release energy.
  • Most fusion reactors use a mixture of deuterium and tritiumhydrogen atom isotopes that contain extra neutrons.

About ITER

  • ITER is a global scientific partnership between China, Europe, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, Russia and the US.
    • It’s currently under construction in France.
  • Objective: To prove the viability of fusion as an energy source.
  • It will be the largest Tokamak device to test magnetic confinement to produce fusion energy.
  • ITER has been designed for high fusion power gain with about 10-fold return (expressed as Q ≥ 10), i.e., ratio of heating input power to thermal output power.
    • Current record for fusion power gain in a Tokamak is Q = 0.67 by European JET facility in the UK.


  • India formally joined the ITER Project in 2005.
  • ITER-India is the Indian domestic agency, a specially empowered project of the Institute for Plasma Research (IPR)
    • IPR an aided organization under Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India.
  • ITER-India is responsible for delivery of ITER packages such as Cryostat, In-wall Shielding, Cooling Water System, Cryogenic System, Ion-Cyclotron RF Heating System, etc
  • Tags :
  • Nuclear Fusion
  • Tokamak
  • ITER
  • Institute for Plasma Research
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