2nd BIMSTEC Foreign Ministers' Retreat held in New Delhi | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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2nd BIMSTEC Foreign Ministers' Retreat held in New Delhi

Posted 13 Jul 2024

2 min read

First edition of Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Foreign Ministers' Retreat was held in Thailand in 2023.


  • It is a regional organization established in 1997 by signing Bangkok Declaration.
  • 7 member states: Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, and Bhutan.
  • Permanent Secretariat: Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • BIMSTEC’s Principle: Sovereign equality, Territorial integrity, Political independence, Non-interference in internal affairs, Peaceful co-existence, etc.
  • 7 Focus areas: Trade; Environment and Climate Change; Security; Agriculture and Food Security; People-to-People Contact; Science, Technology, and Innovation; Connectivity.
  • Combined GDP of BIMSTEC member States amounts to USD 4.5 trillion in 2022 (approx. 4.5% of global GDP).

Significance of BIMSTEC for India

  • Regional cooperation: It is a critical intersection of Neighbourhood First Policy and Act East Policy of India.
  • Geostrategic importance: Sectoral cooperation in Bay of Bengal region helps to secure critical lines of communication in Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and boost trade
  • Security: In line with India’s Security and Growth for All in the Region (SAGAR) vision and strengthen maritime cooperation in IOR.
  • Potential to overcome the deficiencies of SAARC to evolve as a meaningful platform for regional cooperation in South Asia.

Associated Challenges  

  • Slow pace of developments and inertia in implementation of initiatives. E.g. lack of progress on adoption of BIMSTEC FTA.
  • Irregular meeting: BIMSTEC planned to hold summit meetings every 2 years but only 5 meetings have been held till 2024.
  • Stalling of projects like Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicles Agreement undermines goals of connectivity and economic cooperation.
  • Tags :
  • Bangkok Declaration
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