Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)
Recently, Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) has been converted into an attached office of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).
- Earlier, I4C was established as a scheme under MHA’s Cyber and Information Security (C&IS) division in 2018.
About I4C
- Objective: To act as a nodal point to curb Cybercrime, act as early warning system for cybercrime prevention and detection and facilitate easy complaint filing.
- Verticals: National Cybercrime Reporting Portal, National Cybercrime Threat Analytics Unit, National Cybercrime Research & Innovation Centre etc.
- Tags :
- Ministry of Home Affairs
- I4C
Climate Finance Action Fund (CFAF)
Azerbaijan Launches Climate Finance Action Fund in Package of Initiatives for UN Climate Change Conference COP29.
About CFAF
- Headquarter: Baku, Azerbaijan.
- Fund will support climate projects in developing countries, meeting next generation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to keep 1.5 0C within reach, and addressing the consequences of natural disasters.
- CFAF will be capitalised with contributions from fossil fuel producing countries and companies across oil, gas and coal.
- CFAF will become operational at the conclusion of the initial fundraising round ($1 billion), and when 10 contributing countries committed as shareholders.
- Tags :
- Azerbaijan
- COP29
Government Litigation
Ministry of Law and Justice (MoL&J) shared data on pending government litigation as per Legal Information and Management Briefing System (LIMBS).
- LIMBS is an initiative of MoL&J and monitors the entire process of litigation from the Central Government’s perspective.
Key Facts
- There are over 6.98 lakh pending court cases in which the Union government is a litigant.
- Highest cases pertain to Ministries of Finance, Railways, and Defence – together constituting over 57% of pending court cases.
- Pendency was highest in tribunals (2.75 lakh), followed by high courts and Supreme Court.
- Tags :
- Litigation
White Category Sectors
White category sectors will now not require prior permission of the State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) to establish and operate under the Air Act, 1981 and Water Act, 1974.
- The permissions officially known as ‘consent to establish’ (CTE) and ‘consent to operate’ (CTO) are granted to regulate industries that discharge effluents or emit pollutants into the environment.
- White category industries will have to inform SPCBs through self-declarations.
White Category Sectors
- Those industries which are practically non-polluting are categorised under the ‘white category’ by the Central Pollution Control Board.
- It includes Wind and solar power projects, assembly of air coolers, bicycle assembly etc.
- Tags :
- White Category Sector
- Consent to Establish
- Consent to Operate
Triput Class Frigates
Triput, the first of two Advanced Frigates under construction by Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL) for the Indian Navy was launched.
- These frigates are being constructed indigenously for the first time by an Indian shipyard.
Triput Class Frigates
- The ship is designed for combat operations against enemy surface ships, submarines and aircrafts.
- Triput class ships are equipped with stealth features, advanced weapon & sensors and platform management systems.
- The Triput class are follow on ships of the Teg and Talwar class ships acquired from Russia.
- Tags :
- Indian Navy
- Frigates
Articles Sources
‘Steel Import Monitoring System’ 2.0 Portal
SIMS, introduced in 2019, has been revamped into SIMS 2.0 by the Ministry of Steel.
About SIMS 2.0
- Objective: Monitoring steel imports and promoting growth of domestic steel industry
- New features: Provides API integration with multiple government portals, enhancing quality control and streamlining processes for improved efficiency and effectiveness.
- Significance:
- Detailed data will enable Customs to conduct better analysis and risk management of steel imports.
- Portal boasts a robust data entry system which promotes transparency and accountability.
- Tags :
- Steel Industry
- SIMS2.0
Articles Sources
Indian army will participate in the 21st edition of the Multinational military exercise, which will be conducted at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- Tags :
- Multinational military exercise
Articles Sources
A study has demonstrated that tree bark in forests absorbs methane
About Methane
- Greenhouse gas which contributes to about a third of climate warming.
- Properties: colorless and odorless gas, easily combustible with short atmospheric lifetime compared to CO2
- Global warming potential: Approx. 27 times more than CO2
- Primary Sources of methane emission: Agriculture, Wetlands, Energy Sector
- Applications: Making chemicals, constituent of the fuel & natural gas.
- Tags :
- Global Warming
- Methane