NBFCs show resilience under Scale-based Regulation: RBI | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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NBFCs show resilience under Scale-based Regulation: RBI

Posted 26 Sep 2024

1 min read

A recent article by the RBI titled ‘Peeling the Layers: A Review of the NBFC Sector in Recent Times’ highlighted that the Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) remain resilient post introduction of Scale-based Regulation (SBR) in 2022.

  • NBFCs are companies registered under the Companies Act, 1956/ 2013 engaged in business of loans and advances, acquisition of marketable securities of a like nature, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit business, etc.

What is SBR for NBFCs?

An infographic image describing SBR (Scale-Based Regulation) framework for NBFCs which classifies them into four layers based on asset size and risk perception. The Base Layer includes NBFCs with an asset size below ₹1000 crores, while the Middle Layer consists of all deposit-taking NBFCs and non-deposit taking NBFCs with assets above ₹1000 crores. The Upper Layer features NBFCs that are systemically significant and pose a higher risk, requiring stricter regulation. The Top Layer consists of those NBFCs with extreme supervisory risk, warranting intensive regulatory oversight.
  • Segregation of NBFCs: NBFCs are segregated into four layers based on their size, activity, and perceived level of riskiness. (Refer to Infographic). 
  • Differential regulations: Each tier is subject to different regulatory requirements, tailored to its size and risk profile. 

Key Highlights of the RBI Article

  • Resilient Financial Landscape: The sector maintained double-digit credit growth, adequate capital levels, a low delinquency ratio, and registered a consistent rise in profitability.
  • Improved Asset Quality: Gross Non-performing Asset (GNPA) ratio has decreased, from 4.4% & 10.6% in December 2021 to 2.4% & 6.3% in December 2023 for government NBFCs & nongovernment NBFCs respectively. 
  • Concerns: Emerging risks and challenges, especially from cyber-security and climate risks. 
  • Tags :
  • Companies Act, 2013
  • NBFCs
  • Scale-based Regulation
  • Gross NPA
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