Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Environmental Sustainability | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Environmental Sustainability

Posted 28 Sep 2024

2 min read

Recently, experts have highlighted the use of AI in tackling environmental challenges. 

  • AI is a set of technologies that enable computers to perform a variety of advanced functions, including the ability to understand and translate spoken and written language, analyze data, etc. 

How can AI be used to tackle environmental challenges?

  • Prediction: AI can detect patterns in data, such as anomalies and similarities, and use historic knowledge to accurately predict future outcomes. 
  • Monitoring: Tracking and mapping air pollution, deforestation, plastics in the ocean, icebergs etc. 
    • For instance, AI has been trained to measure changes in icebergs 10,000 times faster than a human could do it.
    • UNEP utilizes AI for air pollution tracking via Global Environment Monitoring System Air Pollution Monitoring platform.
  • Facilitating Decarbonisation: AI is helping companies to track, trace and reduce their emissions by 20-30%. 

Negative impacts of AI on environment

  • High Power Consumption: ChatGPT, an AI-based virtual assistant, consumes 10 times the electricity of a Google Search (International Energy Agency).
  • E- waste: Data centers hosting AI produce e-waste which often contains hazardous substances, like mercury and lead. 
  • Over utilisation of resources: Consume large amounts of water, and rely on rare minerals which are mostly mined in unsustainable manner.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) recommendations for effective utilisation of AI 

  • Countries can 
    • establish standardized procedures for measuring the environmental impact of AI
    • encourage companies to green their data centres by using renewable energy
  • Governments can develop regulations that require companies to disclose the direct environmental consequences of AI-based products and services.
  • Tech companies can make AI algorithms more efficient, reducing their demand for energy, while recycling water and reusing components where feasible.
  • Tags :
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • AI in Environment
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