LEADS 2024 is has been released by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
- Objective: Provides insights into improvement of logistics performance at State/UT level.
- LEADS was conceived on the lines of Logistics Performance Index (LPI) of World Bank in 2018.
- While the LPI relies entirely on perception-based surveys, LEADS incorporates both perception as well as objectivity.
- Parameters: Evaluates logistics performance across four key pillars (refer to infographic).
- Categories of State/UTs: They are categorised into four groups Coastal, Lanlocked, Northeast and Union Territories.
- And further they are given tags of Achievers, Fast movers, and Aspirers on the basis of their performance.
- Performance Highlights of 2024
- Achievers: Gujarat, Haryana, Assam, Chandigarh, etc.
- Fast movers: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh etc.
- Aspirers: Kerala, West Bengal, Manipur, Chhattisgarh, etc.
LEAD frameworkMinistry also urged logistics sector to adopt LEAD framework – Longevity, Efficiency and Effectiveness, Accessibility and Accountability and Digitalisation of processes to transform the logistics sector.