International Organization for Migration (IOM) released a report “A Decade of Documenting Migrant Deaths” | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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International Organization for Migration (IOM) released a report “A Decade of Documenting Migrant Deaths”

Posted 02 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • Report was released on completion of ten year of IOM’s Missing Migrants Project (MMP)
    • MMP was launched in 2014 to document deaths and disappearances of people in migration process towards an international destination.
    • IOM, Established in 1951, is leading intergovernmental organization in field of migration.
      • Headquartered at Geneva (Switzerland) and consists of 175 member states (including India).


  • Key findings
    • More than one in three migrants whose country of origin could be identified comes from countries in conflict.
    • More than two-thirds of those whose deaths were documented through IOM’s MMP are unidentified.
    • Major causes of death: Drowning; Vehicle accidents; Suffocation due to fuel inhalation, Inadequate shelter, healthcare etc.
  • Migration refers to movement of persons away from their place of usual residence, either across an international border or within State.
  • Factors behind Migrations: Urbanisation, Marriage, Economic disparities, Political instability, Impacts of climate change, etc.


  • Consequences of migration
    • Intermixing of diverse cultures and evolution of composite culture.
    • Overcrowding in cities led to their haphazard growth and slum development.
    • Changes resource- population ratio.
    • Brain drain i.e. skilled people migrate from poorer countries to developed countries for better economic opportunities.


Initiatives taken related to Migration

  • Global:
    • Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM): First intergovernmental agreement, prepared under United Nations, to cover all dimensions of international migration in holistic manner. 
  • India:
    • Welfare measures in destination countries like Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana.
    • Pre-departure orientation Training to better prepare migrants for their life abroad and awareness of their rights, duties, etc.
  • Tags :
  • Migration
  • International Organization for Migration
  • Missing Migrants Project
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