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Place in News

Posted 08 Apr 2024

1 min read

Ecuador (Capital: Quito)


  • Mexico suspends diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police raid in Mexican embassy in Quito.


  • Political Features
    • Located in North-western South America.
    • Neighboring countries: Colombia (North) and Peru(East and South).
    • Situated on the Equator
    • Galápagos Islands, west of the mainland of Ecuador, are part of Ecuador.
    • Bounded to the West by Pacific Ocean.


  • Geographical Features
    • Equator passes through Ecuador.
    • Andes mountain range crosses through Ecuador.
    • Major Rivers: Amazon, Guayas, Putumayo, etc.
    • Active Volcanoes: Cotopaxi, Tungurahua, etc.
    • Highest Peak: Mount Chimborazo.
  • Tags :
  • Mexico
  • Ecuador
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