Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) annual meeting held | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) annual meeting held

Posted 17 Apr 2024

Updated 22 Apr 2024

2 min read

  • In the meeting, the ISRO Chief announced that India aims to achieve debris-free space missions by 2030.
  • Space debris refers to all non-functional, artificial objects, in Earth's orbit or re-entering into Earth’s atmosphere. 


  • Need for mitigating space debris
    • Threat to space exploration: Collisions with debris can disable an operational spacecraft, smaller debris can scour components like optics and solar panels, etc. 
    • Kessler syndrome: Uncontrolled growth of debris can lead to an escalating cascade of collisions, known as the Kessler syndrome
    • Risk to life on Earth: Large space debris that reenter the atmosphere in an uncontrolled way can survive reentry to reach Earth’s surface, creating risk to the population on the ground. 


  • Initiatives for space debris mitigation
    • By ISRO
      •  ISRO System for Safe and Sustainable Space Operations Management (IS4OM) for   efficient information on on-orbit collision, fragmentation, etc. 
      • Project NETRA (Network for Space Objects Tracking and Analysis) for Establishing a space surveillance and tracking network with RADARS and Optical Telescopes. 
    • Global
      • REMOVEDEBRIS to perform key active debris removal (ADR) technology demonstrations.
      • UN Liability Convention (Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Object), 1972 
      • UN Registration Convention (Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space), 1976


About IADC 

  • Genesis: Established in 1993 as an international forum for space agencies, organizations, and governmental bodies.
  • Purpose:
    • Exchange information on space debris research activities between member space agencies.
    • Facilitate opportunities for cooperation in space debris research.
    • Identify debris mitigation options.
  • Function: IADC provides technical recommendations to the world space communities. It is not a regulatory organization.
  • Members: Space agencies of 13 countries including India (ISRO), US (NASA), Russia, France, UK, EU, China, Germany, Japan, Canada, South Korea, Ukraine, and Italy.
  • Tags :
  • ISRO
  • Space debries
  • Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee
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