Nagorno-Karabakh Region | Current Affairs | Vision IAS
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Posted 18 Apr 2024

8 min read

Nagorno-Karabakh Region

  • Russian peacekeepers have begun withdrawing from Nagorno-Karabakh following Azerbaijan's recapture of disputed territory from Armenian separatists.


  • About Nagorno-Karabakh Region
    • It is known as Artsakh by Armenians.
    • It is a landlocked mountainous region officially recognised as part of Azerbaijan.
    • Territory is internationally recognised as part of oil-rich Azerbaijan, but its inhabitants are predominantly ethnic Armenians. 
    • It was claimed by both Azerbaijan and Armenia after the fall of Russian Empire in 1917 and has remained a point of tension ever since.
  • Tags :
  • Nagorno-Karabakh Region

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI)

  • IBBI took disciplinary action on Insolvency Professionals.


  • About IBBI
    • Established in 2016 under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (Code).
    • Responsible for implementation of Code that amends laws relating to reorganization and insolvency resolution of corporate persons, partnership firms and individuals in time bound manner.
    • Governing board of IBBI Composition
      • Chairperson,
      • Three members from amongst the officers of Central Government not below the rank of Joint Secretary or equivalent,
      • One member to be nominated by RBI,
      • five other members to be nominated by Central Government, of whom at least three shall be whole-time member.
  • Tags :
  • Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI)
  • IBC Code 2016

Combined Maritime Forces (CMF)

  • Indian Navy seized drugs in Arabian Sea as a part of multi-nation Combined Task Force-150 under CMF.
    • Drugs are seized under Operation Crimson Barracuda, first such operation conducted by an Indian Navy after India joined CMF in 2022. 


  • About CMF
    • It is a multinational maritime partnership, which aims to uphold the Rules-Based International Order by countering illicit non-state actors on the high seas and promoting security, stability and prosperity in international waters
    • Main focus area: Defeating terrorism, preventing piracy, encouraging regional cooperation, and promoting a safe maritime environment.
    • Members: 42 countries.
    • It comprises five Combined Task Forces.
    • Participation is voluntary.
    • It is commanded by a U.S. Navy Vice Admiral. 
  • Tags :
  • Combined Maritime Forces (CMF)

Global Positioning System (GPS) Spoofing

  • As per reports, Israel used GPS spoofing against Iran.
    • GPS is a satellite constellation supporting highly accurate positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) measurements worldwide. It is owned by the United States. 


  • About GPS Spoofing
    • Also, known as GPS simulation.
    • Refers to the practice of manipulating or tricking a GPS receiver by broadcasting false GPS signals.
    • This form of cyber-attack undermines the reliability of GPS data, which is vital for a variety of applications.
    • Spoofing is different from GPS jamming. 
      • In the latter, the GPS signals are jammed or blocked. 
  • Tags :
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) Spoofing
  • Global Positioning System (GPS)

Submersible Platform for Acoustic Characterisation and Evaluation (SPACE)

  • SPACE, a premier testing and evaluation hub for sonar systems for Indian Navy, set up by DRDO.


  • About SPACE
    • It will consist of two distinct assemblages – 
      • a platform which floats on water surface
      • a submersible platform which can be lowered to any depth upto 100 m


  • Significance
    • Evaluation of sonar systems, allowing for quick deployment and easy recovery of scientific package.
    • Help to survey, sampling, and data collection of air, surface, mid-water, and reservoir floor parameters using modern scientific instrumentation.
    • Boost anti-submarine warfare research capabilities.
  • Tags :
  • DRDO
  • Submersible Platform for Acoustic Characterisation and Evaluation (SPACE)

Hubble Tension

  • As per recent study, scientists are looking for a new model to explain Hubble tension which is not explained by Λ cold dark matter or lambda CDM model.
    • Lambda CDM explains various features of the universe, including radiation leftover from the Big Bang, etc.


  • About Hubble Tension
    • Refers to the discrepancy that two equally valid methods to measure “how fast the universe is expanding” have yielded different estimates.
      • Expansion of Universe is measured by Hubble Constant
    • The two methods are:
      • Cosmic Microwave Background based on a sea of photons left after Big Bang theory.
      • Cosmic Distance Ladder uses techniques to measure distance to objects that are close, further away, and very far away from the earth.


  • Tags :
  • Hubble Tension

Bitcoin Halving

  • Experts are expecting that Bitcoin halving event will occur soon. 


  • About Bitcoin Halving
    • Refers to the 50% reduction in the reward paid to Bitcoin miners.
      • Bitcoin miners successfully process other people’s cryptocurrency transactions so that they can be added to the public digital ledger known as the blockchain.
    • Takes place every four years.
    • The halving policy was written into Bitcoin’s mining algorithm to counteract inflation by maintaining scarcity.
      • In theory, the reduction in the pace of Bitcoin issuance means that the price will increase if demand remains the same.


  • Tags :
  • Bitcoin Halving
  • Bitcoin

Kesariya Stupa

  • Kesariya stupa is the tallest and largest Buddhist stupa in the world.


  • About Kesariya stupa
    • Located in Bihar.
    • Built in circular shape and structure is made of bricks, mud, and lime mortar.
    • Height of 104 feet, taller than Borobodur Stupa in Java, a world heritage monument.
    • Built in 3rd Century BC by Mauryan emperor Ashoka, who was instrumental in spreading Buddhism across Indian subcontinent.
    • It is believed that stupa was built to commemorate the spot where Lord Buddha gave his 22nd sermon and to mark the place where he announced his impending death
  • Tags :
  • Kesariya Stupa
  • Borobodur Stupa
  • Largest Buddhist Stupa
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